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Date sent:              Fri, 26 Mar 1999 14:29:56 -0800
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The New York Times                              March 26, 1999


        By Roger Cohen

Berlin -- For the first time since the end of World War II, German 
fighter jets have gone to war, taking part in the attack on 
Yugoslavia as part of a NATO force and marking this country's 
definitive emancipation from post-war pacifism. 
        Rudolf Scharping, the German Defense Minister, said four 
Tornado jets took off from their Piacenza base in northern Italy late 
Wednesday and participated in the NATO mission, before returning 
safely. The German Parliament has authorized up to 15 military 
aircraft to take part in the air strikes. 
        Germany reacted calmly, indicating a profound change in its 
psyche since the fall of the Berlin wall. Throughout the period of 
post-war reconstruction, the saying that "only peace" would go out 
from German soil amounted to a kind of mantra. The one time 
during the cold war that German troops marched in a foreign land 
was in 1968, when East German troops assisted in the Soviet-led 
invasion of Czechoslovakia. 
        The devastation, physical and moral, caused by Hitler's 
Reich and the country's delicate position at the front line of the cold 
war contributed to Germany's peace-only outlook. But Europe has 
changed and Germany has changed with it. 
        "The last victim of the fall of the wall is German pacifism," 
Stephan Speicher commented Thursday in the Berliner Zeitung. 
        Not everyone is ready. There have been dissenting voices 
and clear tensions within the governing coalition of Social 
Democrat Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. 
        Gregor Gysi, the leader of the Party of Democratic 
Socialism, on Thursday denounced Germany's participation. "After 
what has happened this century, Germany above all has no right to 
drop bombs on Belgrade." He was referring to Hitler's flattening of 
Belgrade, which began on April 6, 1941, after Serbs tore up a pact 
with the Nazis. This event is etched on Serbian consciousness as if 
it happened yesterday. Still, Gysi's voice appeared relatively isolated 
amid what the conservative newspaper Die Welt called "a kind of 
public emptiness." 
        German equanimity was clearly reinforced Thursday by the 
fact that it was a "Red-Green" coalition of Social Democrats and 
Greens that approved the decision to participate. 
        "The Federal Government has not easily taken the decision 
that, for the first time since World War II, there are German 
soldiers in an operational mission," Schröder said. But "our 
fundamental values of freedom, democracy and human rights" were 
being flouted in Kosovo, he said. 
        Just seven years ago, at the start of the Bosnian war, 
Joschka Fischer, then a Green member of Parliament, opposed any 
Western military intervention or deployment of German forces in 
Bosnia. But Germany eventually played a role, in the air and on the 
ground, in the United Nations peace-keeping force in Bosnia. As 
the Foreign Minister since October, Fischer has argued passionately 
for the West's responsibility to stop Serbian aggression in Kosovo. 
        Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Green colleague of Fischer and a 
fellow militant in the revolutionary struggles of the 1960's, said 
Bosnia had "simply transformed" the way the Foreign Minister 
approached the question of the use of force. 
        Still, the German participation in air raids on Yugoslavia is 
potentially explosive, for it will confirm every dark Serbian 
suspicion about the West. If there has been a single obsession in 
Serbian policy this century, it has been to prevent what Belgrade 
sees as German expansionism in the Balkans. 
        "We are not ready to make a distinction between the bombs 
of Adolf Hitler from 1941 and the bombs of NATO," Vuk 
Draskovic, the Yugoslavian Deputy Prime Minister, said. 
        Strong German support for Croatian independence 
from Yugoslavia, and Croatia's adoption of the hymn "Danke 
Deutschland" when that independence came in 1991, only 
reinforced Serbian misgivings. 
        The last time NATO bombed in the Balkans -- hitting 
Serbian positions around Sarajevo in 1995 -- the action prompted a 
response very similar to Draskovic's Thursday. 
        "By its length, this bombardment is even more brutal than 
the bombardment conducted by Hitler on April 6, 1941, on 
Belgrade, given the fact that Hitler's bombardment was stopped on 
April 8, 1941, to allow the burial of victims under Christian 
custom," Gen. Ratko Mladic, then the commander of Serbian forces 
in Bosnia, wrote to a Western general. 
        With 2,500 German troops now in Bosnia, and another 
3,000 in Macedonia, the possibility of some Serbian reprisal against 
German forces exists, especially if the NATO bombing proves 
prolonged or erratic. 
        This possibility has already created political tensions here. 
Volker Rühe, the former Defense Minister in the Christian 
Democrat Government of Helmut Kohl, said that the troops in 
Macedonia had been sent as part of a peacekeeping force, and "not 
to make war." They should therefore be withdrawn, he argued. 
        Within the coalition, the issue of Kosovo proved fraught 
before the bombing began. It had much to do with the abrupt 
resignation this month of the former Finance Minister, Oskar 
        Lafontaine was concerned that Germany's readiness to 
follow America's Kosovo policy was reckless, according to a 
minister who was present during the discussions. 
        When Scharping, the Defense Minister, asked for more 
money because the preparations for Kosovo had used up the funds 
earmarked for a pay rise for the military, Lafontaine refused, 
officials said. At that point, Scharping threatened to resign. 
        But when Schröder sided with Scharping and ordered 
Lafontaine to release the money, it was the Finance Minister who 
quit. "Lafontaine objected to Kosovo policy in the same way as he 
objected to the deployment of American Pershing II missiles on 
German soil in the 1980's," said the Minister who attended the 
discussions and who spoke on the condition of anonymity. 
        The deployment of the missiles was, of course, successful, 
helping to end the cold war. This week, America again enlisted 
Germany's help in a resolute course of action, but the outcome, for 
Germany and for Europe, remains uncertain. 

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