> Subject: MEXICAN MEDIA UNDER ATTACK > > URGENT PUBLIC COMMUNIQUE > FORWARD, PUBLISH, PROMOTE > ONLINE NEWS SERVICE > > > ORDERS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR TO LIE AND SHUT DOWN > THE MEXICAN RADIO > > POLITICAL ARCHIVE, Carlos Ramirez, El Financiero pg. 23, April 23, > 1995 Mexico City > > "Jesus Gonzales Schmall, distinguished former PAN member and > member of the Democratic Forum group, denounced it. > > On Friday he was prevented from entering the studio of the Formula > radio station to do his daily commentary because he refused to > carry out the assignment given by the owner, Rogerio Azcarraga, > to attack and criticize Bishop Samuel Ruiz, whom the government > wants to make seem like he was the person responsible for the > mobilization of thousands of Zapatista indigenous into the > dialogue zone. > > The instructions from the Secretary of the Interior, said Gonzales > Schmall who was told about them by Azcarraga, were to criticize > the National Commission of Mediation (CONAI) which is led by > Bishop Ruiz, which they want to make responsible for the > indigenous' mobilization. If it is true that all private radio > stations have the right to define how they are going to present > the information that they are going to transmit, in the way that > they judge as the best, then the basic point of the conflict is > again the two-sidedness of the government. If the government has > proof that Bishop Samuel Ruiz was playing with a rigged deck, then > the best thing would have been to denounce him. But by using > secret pressures and the manipulation of information, the Zedillo > government is showing its political unwillingness to conduct a > dignified negotiation for peace in Chiapas. And as the dialogue > should be carried out under the guises of the law, then the > Zedillo government could be accused of not fulfilling or of > violating a law. The dirty game against Bishop Samuel Ruiz is > more evidence of the zigzagging game of the Zedillo > government..." > > LA JORNADA EDITORIAL Pg.2, April 23, 1995, Mexico City > > Chiapas and the Electronic Media > > "Clearly with the denouncement made public on last Friday, by the > former PAN leader Jesus Gonzales Schmall, with regard to the > Secretary of the Interior having given orders to radio stations > that they promote reports directed at criticizing the work of the > National Commission of Mediation in the process of the dialogue > between the Federal Government and the EZLN, we find ourselves > faced with an act capable of seriously eroding the right to freely > report which all communication media in the Republic should > have..." > > > Note Bene: The journalist Carlos Ramirez is one of the most read, > serious, and documented political columnists from Mexico. > Recently he has received death threats. The Mexican experience is > that said threats are almost always carried out. For this reason > solidarity with his work and profession is necessary and urgent. > Fax messages to El Financiero 011-525-255-1799 in Mexico City. > > Posted by Karin OPYCPLI > > Translated by Cindy Arnold, National Commission for Democracy in > Mexico > > > ********************************************************************************** > ***************************************************************************** > > ORGANIZACION PARLAMENTARIA Y CONGRESIONAL PARA LA LIBERTAD DE INFORMACION > > ******************************************************************************* > ESTE ES UN E MAIL OFICIAL DE MIEMBROS DEL CONGRESO MEXICANO; SU INTERVENCION > ROBO O REPRODUCCION NO AUTORIZADA ESTA PENADA POR LA LEY EN TODOS LOS PAISES > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > Los escritos representan el punto de vista de quien los suscribe y no > necesariamente el de la organizacion. Se autoriza la reproduccion total de > los E Mail publicos o de los que expresamente se indique. No se permite la > reproduccion de E Mail privados bajo ningun concepto. > > /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ > > "Combatire con todas mis fuerzas tus escritos y pensamientos, pero dare > mi vida por tu derecho a expresarlos" > > ***************************************************************************** > La libertad y el derecho a la informacion es uno de los derechos humanos > mas importantes, elementales y basicos para el desarrollo del hombre > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > > > >