Happiness is a state of mind.  One can be in terribly unhappy circumstances,
yet be happy.  It seems awfully arrogant to be shocked that poor people could
be happy.  What the hell are they supposed to be or do?  Sit around all day
and cry about not being rich.  For the poor to spend their energy being
unhappy is to buy into the value system and the assessment which the rich try
and impose on the rest of the world.  In my mind, being happy does not mean
being content -- yet, in many circumstances, being happy is the best revenge
on the ruling class.  For instance, couldn't you just hear Bob Dole or Newty
saying something like; "Look at all them god damned welfare mothers and their
various brats by various fathers playing in the fucking park.  How DARE they
enjoy the summer!!!  What RIGHT do THEY have being happy!!!  They're so
happy, let's put them on WORKFARE and make them fucking UN happy!"

In fact, we deliver tremendous approbation on those who refuse to be happy!
 For instance, we punish people who beat each other up, well, unless it's
women who are getting the beatings, then we just shut the window and turn up
the t.v.  And we punish people who abuse their children, and so much the
better if the kids die, then we can throw them in prison for life.  And we
punish ... .  Hmmm, how many happy people did this study say there were?

maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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