Mike Meeropol writes,

>POLITICALLY, it appears that all potential ways of COMBATING these
>tendencies are being closed off.  The long run appears to promise declining
>standards of living of larger and larger percentages of the population as
>international competition forces wages (and social wages) down towards some
>"lowest common denominator."  (this is what Michael Perelman in _The
>Pathology of the US Economy_ called the "Haitianization" of the US economy

THIS is the question that animates me most, lately:  how can leftists respond
to the global downward pressure on wages (& on the public infrastructure) 
which we are assured by the capitalist press is the irresistible effect
of global competition?

How to keep a populist eat-the-rich message (to say nothing of a revolutionary
socialist clarion call) from foundering on the 'brute facts' of globalization?

--Mike Parkhurst
  U. of Massachusetts/Amherst

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