For a video account of the movement for a shorter work week and other ways to 
rebalance work and leisure (along with material on the double-shift of women 
in household and market production) see "Running Out of Time" produced by 
Oregon PBS (Order info: 1-800-440-2651 $28.90 incl. S&H).
Video addresses the issue of doubling productivity since 1945 but having less 
leisure time today than in late 60s. As well as covering the history of the 
40 then 30 hour work week movements, it looks at the Kellogg case of the 30 
hour week between 1930s and 1985 when management abandoned it because of the 
"global war" over corn flake sales (i.e. a lame excuse)!

I use the video in principles of macro and intermed. macro to make the point 
that we need something better than GDP to measure social progress and to 
track what Wallace Peterson calls the "Silent Depression" since 1973. It 
evokes intense debate amongst students and arouses an interest seldom seen in 
a principles course :).  

Cheers, Brent
Brent McClintock               | "...the Welfare State is a      |
Economics                      |  delightful creation. As a      |
Carthage College               |  place to live it beats anything| 
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140       |  man has ever known. But as an  |
USA                            |  idea it leaves something to be |
Phone: (414) 551-5852          |  desired. All its emphasis is on|
Fax:   (414) 551-6208          |  distribution and consumption...| 
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Our ideal is - or should be -  |
                               |  the Creative State, or the     |
                               |  Creative Society."             |
                               |                                 |
                               |               Clarence Ayres    |

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