I have placed the paper whose abstract appears below on an easily accessible gopher at: csf.colorado.edu environment/Authors/Barkin.David as two files (May95 and biblio) I would very much appreciate your comments and feedback on its content and usefulness. David Barkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico City ABSTRACT Wealth, Poverty and Sustainable Development David Barkin, 1995 (29 pp. + 11 pp bibliography) The reorganization of space and resources, engendered by the internationalization of rural production, is threatening the environment and the viability of rural communities. The poor, who are blamed for environmental problems, are frequently forced into depredatory situations by the ruthless way in which the rich and powerful defend their control. This duality characterizes the world system as a whole and is not conducive to sustainable development. Official development practice emphasizes the search for economic efficiency, noting the natural destruction in areas occupied by poor people; it seeks solutions through market-led structural changes, removing people from their rural communities, and supporting large-scale commercial and export agriculture to stimulate growth. In contrast, a successful sustainable development policy must recognize the polarized character of society and generate conditions that allow poor people to strengthen their rural societies by rebuilding and diversifying their productive systems while expanding the environmental stewardship services they have always provided.