A note of clarification:

On 14 May 1995 (Pen-L:5081) 16:58:54.85, Paul Cockshott reported some
statisitcal results and, interpreting them, referred to "the New Soln [New Solution] 
of the transformation problem is that advocated by Kliman ..."

I, Kliman, am NOT an advocate of what is *generally* called the "new solution"
 to the "transformation problem," i.e. the interpretation of Dumenil, Lipietz,
 Foley, etc.  I have been arguing for several years (in print, since 1988
 _Capital & Class 35, "The transformation non-problem and the transformation
non-transformation problem," [with Ted McGlone]) that Marx's OWN account of
 the transformation is indeed logically consistent and appropriate to his purpose.  
The so-called "new solution" diverges from Marx in important respects.
  In particular, the rate of profit is not Marx's s/(c+v).

I also believe it is misleading to view my work as advocating ANY sort of
 "solution" to the "transformation problem."  Since I think there is no "problem" with 
Marx's own account, there is nothing to be "solved" by us moderns here.

Andrew Kliman

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