> Date sent:      Wed, 10 Jul 1996 23:03:50 -0700 (PDT)
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> From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> Subject:        [PEN-L:5092] Re: one last...

> I hate to display my extreme ignorance in this matter, but, what IS
> Libertarianism? (this is not a trick question, I really don't know)  Is there
> a volume or volumes I could read to get an idea of Libertarian positions?
> maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are of course different strains/sects etc (Noam Chomsky is 
often characterized as a "left-wing" libertarian or socialist 
libertarian--I find this to be oxymoronic--and there is what is 
known as the "Objectivist wing of the Libertarians; but here it goes: 

Major Assertions (They call "axioms")

1) Human beings are BY NATURE selfish, greedy, calculating, 
maximizing, rational, competitive, materialistic, acquisitive, etc 
and only capitalism--which celebrates and utilizes these impulses to 
produce socially optimum results that were not intended by the 
individual actors (the invisible hand)--is an efficient, personally 
liberating, dynamic system.

2) Virtually all forms of taxes represent forms of theft and 
intrusions into personal liberty;

3) Only the individual can define for himself/herself what liberty 
really means, one's own value system etc and each individual should 
be left alone to pursue his/her own self-defined goals, values 
subject to the constraint of not interfering with the space, values, 
goals of others;

4) The Government or State in any form under any banner is 
necessarily and always an intrusive force; the least government is 
best and the only role for government should be: defending property 
and contract rights, military and police, weights and measures 
system, maintaining a monetary system and real value of the currency. 
Everything else (a few more functions are included by some 
libertarians) should be privatized and left to private exchanges. 
Concentrated economic power does not have the same intrusive effects 
on personal liberty as concentrated political power so the 
progressive destruction of competition through competition is not 
seen as a matter for governmental action or social concern; 

5) All exchanges are necessarily voluntary and mutually beneficial 
otherwise they would not have occurred. Libertarians assume that 
unconscionability, racism, sexism, power, imperfect information, 
media manipulation, etc play no role in exchanges or in making 
exchanges that are not free and voluntary;

6) The channels and mechanisms for personal advancement are assumed 
to be fully available for all and therefore anyone who lacks work, 
income, skills, a home or whatever it is due to his/her own lack of 
personal responsibility and effort (or in the case of children when 
children are discussed at all it is due to the lack of personal 
responsibility of the parents);

7) It is not only a moral and individual right but it produces 
social progress for each individual to pursue profit, utility, 
property, material acquisitions to the max without any governmental 
restraints; in the case where the rights of one individual conflict 
with those of another, the individuals should be left to themselves 
to litigate or resolve differences without reference to government; 
those who can't afford to litigate should raise funds through private 
means and persuasion;

8) The only test of theory is prediction; if the theory is sound 
this will be reflected in the accuracy of prediction; individual 
assumptions need not be supported empirically or inductively as if 
they are sound they will lead to deductively and predictively "valid"
conclusions and predictions; Libertarians who claim to follow 
"positivism" and "objectivism" are "deductivist" and do not see 
induction and deduction as two sides of the same coin--cognition;
Concepts such as racism, sexism, power, history are too squishy, 
cannot be operationalized and mathematically modelled and further are 
not real forces in shaping real-world exchanges and phenomena and are 
therefore not worthy of being discussed;

9) All forms of drugs and sexuality represent matters of personal 
liberty; if someone smokes dope and drives impaired, they should be 
charged with impaired driving not smoking dope. Heroin, Crack, LSD, 
Pot etc all should be legalized along with any form of sexual 
activity; they have nothing to say about "crack babies", "kiddie 
porn", victims in the porn industry because according to the 
libertarians all exchanges are voluntary and free and beneficial to 
the parties otherwise they would not have occurred;

10) Some claim to be ideological descendants of Thomas Jefferson, 
Jeremy Bentham and others of Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged, The Virtue of 
Selfishness etc);

11) Any attempts by government to correct for negative of positive 
externalities will be far more costly and inefficient and damaging 
than solutions through "free market" forces; All such solutions 
should be left to "free market" forces; where markets are not truly 
"free markets", even imperfect and non-competitive market forces will 
produce solutions more efficient and less intrusive on personal 
liberty than anything that could be produced by any form of 
government or governmental intervention;

This should get you started. I have tried to portray their views 
without caricatures--which is more than the libertarians ever do when 
dealing with their opponents; many of these so-called "axioms"--and 
there are many more--are not known or articulated by many who call 
themselves libertarians.

                                  Jim Craven
*  James Craven             * "All things have inner meaning and     *
*  Dept of Economics        *  form and power." (Hopi)               *
*  Clark College            *  "In this world the unseen has power." *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. *  (Apache)                              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *  "Be satisfied with needs instead of   *
*  (360) 992-2283           *   wants." (Tenton Lakota)              *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     *  "The Great Spirit is always angry     * 
*                           *  with men who shed innocent blood."    *
*                           *  (Iowa)                                *
*                           *  "It is no longer good enough to cry   *
*                           *  peace, we must act peace, live peace, *
*                           *  and live in peace."(Shenandoah)       *
*                           *  "A people without a history is like   *
*                              the wind over buffalo grass."(Lakota) *
*                                                                    *
* "There are many paths to a meaningful sense of the natural world." *
* (Blackfeet);  "A shady lane breeds mud." (Hopi);                   * 
* "Strive to be a person who is never absent from an important act." * 
* (Osage);  "Men in search of a myth will usually find one."(Pueblo) * 
* "Life is not separate from death. It only looks that way."         * 
*  (Blackfeet); "Some are smart but they are not wise."(Shoshone);   *
*  "The one who tells the stories rules the world." (Hopi);          *
* "Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance." (Lakota);     *
* "The only things that need the protection of men are the things of *
*  men, not the things of the spirit." (Crow);  "When the legends    *
*  die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness."( Shawnee );     *
*  "I love a people who do not live for the love of money."(Dwamish) *
*  "Stolen food never satisfies hunger." (Omaha); "Man's law changes *
*  with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit always *
*  remain the same." (Crow); "It takes a whole village to raise a    *
*  child." (Omaha); "Everything the Power does, it does in a circle."*
*  (Lakota); "Man has responsibility, not power."(Tuscarora)         *
*  "With all things and in all things, we are relatives." (Lakota)   *

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