Went perusing for some Econ. documents at the UW library this afternoon and
picked up some material on Senate approval of NATO expansion, Turkey and the
Kurds, and privatizing National Security regarding fissionable material from

Sources will follow quotes:

"Bob Smith (R-NH) called attention to a recent poll, conducted April 23-26
(1998), showed that only 32% supported expansion when confronted with the
cost estimates that put the US taxpayer share at between 400million and
19billion$ over 10 years for the 1st round of expansion."  Arms Control
Today, April 1998, p. 20

"Since 1980, the US has sold or given Turkey 15billion$ worth of weapons.
Turkey, in turn, has leveled, burned, or forcibly evacuated 3,000 Kurdish
villages.  Forty thousand lives have been lost and two million have been
made homeless."  The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, March/April 1999, p. 27.

"Washington has consistently put domestic commercial and financial
interests, most notably those involved in the recent privatization of the US
Enrichment Corporation (USEC) ahead of US national security interests...The
deal--worth an estimated 12billion $ to Moscow-- would guarantee that the
Russian HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium, enough to build more than 20,000
nuclear weapons, would never again be used for weapons purposes."  Arms
Control Today, August/September 1998, p. 8.

Ian Murray
Seattle, WA

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