I think they are trying to echo the term "The Allies" from WWII to reinforce the 
complete nonsense that the Serbs are the Nazis and the leader is a threat to become 
new Hitler. Soon they will probably call Serbia an "Axis Power".

Probably some Pentagon "scholars" came across this terminology after being assigned to 
do some homework after they named the recent attacks on Iraq "Operation Desert Fox", 
thereby appropriately and openly  linking  U.S. militarism  with the WWII Nazi Field 
Marshall Rommel, nicknamed the Desert Fox.

Charles Brown

>>> Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/12/99 11:39AM >>>
Today, I finally heard the name of the US/NATO war against Serbia. It's
"Operation Allied Force."

I don't know about you, but I think that's boring. Ou sont les nombres
fantastiques d'antan?[*] (where are the fantastic names of yesteryear?) I
like names like "Operation Just Cause," where a bunch of Panamanians were
killed to punish a US ally (General Manuel Noriega, then the "Hitler du
jour") for straying from the flock. Or "Operation Desert Fox" which was
clearly named to honor a deceased US ally, General Erwin Rommel, as part of
the US effort to kill a bunch of Iraqis to punish a US ally (Saddam
Hussein, then the "Hitler du jour"). I've forgotten the names of the
operations in which the US bravely attacked and conquered the mighty empire
of Grenada or the one in which Libya was punished for its Leader's

The point is: can pen-l think of a more upbeat, militaristic, in short,
more manly, name for "Operation Allied Force."  Winner will be able to
choose the first draft numbers when the call-up comes. 

[*] I should apologize ahead of time to our Canadian comrades if my high
school French causes Quebec to secede and causes a war by Anglophone Canada
to prevent that secession, which in turn leads to US/NATO strategic bombing.


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