roy said:

>So, Keynes is dead is he?  It is surely only a matter of time before
>his theories are resurrected.  

well he is dead. but the interesting question that arises here is what
exactly were or are _his_ theories. a lot of people (especially the crew
that hang out on pkt) have plenty to say about this, but i am one of that
crew who says keynes said very little that others had not already said. 

so which chapters say what?  and the bits that get resurrected (popularised
as keynesian) are all the bits which provide support to the status quo and
give the poor token help. the radical bits which keynes took on and neutered
have long ago been cast aside by the mainstream. there is nothing in 
keynes as it exists in the popular sense that a radical progressive green
would want to know about.

i am working on "what was new in keynes" right now.

kind regards
         ####    ##        William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####      Head of Economics Department
     #################     University of Newcastle
   ####################    New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################     Phone: +61 49 215065
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