Doug Henwood writes: "with Marx very un-chic, many progressives ... have
embraced JMK as an acceptable alternative."  

If there really are "many," Doug should have no trouble providing copious
examples of progressives throwing over Marx for Keynes.  If not, perhaps 
we can sustain a discussion without rhetorical attacks on phantoms.

JMK's theory of an economy in which production takes time and requires 
financing, and his development of a class theory of capitalism based on the 
fact of its operation in historical time (see ch1 of the _Tract on Monetary 
Reform_ for a quick sketch), are useful supplements to the work of Marx in 
vols 2 and 3 of _Capital_.  Taking advantage of these insights does not 
require you to buy into Keynes' politics.

Best, Colin Danby

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