I see Wall St is another 2.6% up on the morning alone.  That's about 17% so
far this year, right?  And on its way to gaining a full thousand in about a
month.  Either we're talking tulips, or we're talking something brand new.  

If memory serves, it was government action that eventually brought the tulip
business to an end.  Can't see that just now.  And I guess it was a lot more
obvious then - I mean tulips could never really be worth the price of a
mansion on Amsterdam's central canal - anyone outside the feeding frenzy
would have been able to see that.

Exactly what is it about converged media that promises so much new
commodification and productivity?  Are they anticipating the detruction of
the whole physical wholesale/retail infrastructure?  Do they think all the
retrenched will turn themselves into niche e-businesses?  

Or is Gene right, is all this moolah going into tomahawks?  I see Boris has
just warned Russia will move if the US go in mob-handed - that should be
worth a few more points on the highway to hell.  

And they'll have all those shop-assistants who were never gonna cut it as
cyber-sharks to allocate, ever-so-rationally, to 'ordnance deployment' and
'ordnance reception', eh?  

The new trinity: Clinton, Tomahawks and a couple million erstwhile clerks. 
Factors-of-destruction ...

Anyway, not quite the volatility I had in mind.  

Don't these people read The *!# Australian?

Yours humbled, 

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