Max wrote:
>      Uh, the analogy can be made just as well to
>Serbia vis a vis Kosovo with the shoe on the other
>foot.  After all, Serbia is protecting its own national
>minority against the majority Albanians in Kosmet,
>the basis for His Excellency's Yugoslavia-destroying
>speech at Kosovo Polje on June 28, 1989 at which
>he outlined an approach that he is following today.

Serbia is a small, underdeveloped country with a population of 10 million
or so. The US and Nazi Germany were powerful imperialist nations bent on
conquest. They use the pretext of defending "captive nations" in order to
extend their imperial control. I think a better way of understanding the
problem in Yugoslavia is through the analogy with Sandinista Nicaragua, who
faced a secessionist movement on the Atlantic coast backed by US imperialism. 

Louis Proyect


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