>This is total bullshit, as some informed anti-bombers have
>attested.  Since Louis didn't answer, I'll throw his question to
>you:  if no independent journalists are permitted to investigate
>atrocities in Kosova, and since both refugees and Serbs are
>biased, from what source would you accept as legitimate a report
>of atrocities?  If none, haven't you precluded such information
>on spurious, a priori grounds?

Actually, the very best we can hope for is that the barbaric US can raise
itself up to the level of Serbia. We are among the greatest masters of
atrocities in the 20th century. In the Russian Civil War, American troops
fought alongside Wrangel who killed more innocent Jews than anybody in
modern history and probably was Hitler's main inspiration. In the 1930s, US
Marines backed vicious dictatorships in Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican
Republic that routinely killed, raped and tortured their own citizens.
General Smedley Butler recalls his experiences:

"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil  interests
in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for  the National City
Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the  raping of half a dozen
Central American republics for the benefits of  Wall Street. The record of
raceteering is long. I helped purify  Nicaragus for the international
banking house of Brown Brothers in  1909-1912 (where have I heard that name
before?). I brought light to  the Dominican Republic for American sugar
interests in 1916. In China  I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went
its way unmolested."

In WWII, we bombed Dresden which had no military value. This atrocity was
dramatized in Vonnegut's "Slaugherhouse Five". We firebombed Tokyo to
spread terror among the Japanese civilian population. We then topped that
off by dropping A-Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when the Japanese had
already given signals that they were ready to make peace. Why? As Stimson
put it, we wanted to teach the Russians a "lesson". This is the kind of
lesson we are trying to teach them today, by the way. The US rules the world.

During the Korean War, we experimented with biological weapons according to
the authors of a book reviewed in the current Nation Magazine:

"Now two historians at York University in Toronto, Stephen Endicott and
Edward Hagerman, have produced the most impressive, expertly researched
and, as far as the official files allow, the best-documented case for the
prosecution yet made. Still lacking a smoking biological bomblet, the
authors nevertheless conclude from the circumstantial evidence that the
United States is guilty--not of waging a prolonged biological attack on
North Korea and China but more likely of conducting a limited covert
action, a kind of experimental foray with biological weapons to test the
kind of war Washington would have waged had the Korean conflict led to
World War III."

There is also strong evidence that the US has used biological warfare
against the Cuban people, including yellow fever and dengue. In addition,
the US has refused to stop producing such weapons and chemical weapons as
well, violating international treaties.

During the Vietnam war, the United States launched Operation Phoenix which
resulted in the murders of at least 40 thousand NLF sympathizers. We also
encouraged GI's to burn down villages which were suspected of being
friendly to the enemy. Most people realize that Lt. Calley was the fall guy
for Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and other war criminals. Their actions
were deemed criminal by the World Court among other bodies.

During the contra war in Nicaragua, we trained our thugs to terrorize
noncombatants and even published a CIA manual to tell them how to do it.
The contras routinely raped women, burned down schools and health care
centers and murdered captives. And we trained them to do this.


Louis Proyect


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