
Lou wrote:
>Over on the Trotsky newsgroup, somebody just posted something
>about Greek troops refusing orders.

*****  <http://www.serbia-info.com/news/military/index.html>
Greek army won't fight for US interests
April 19, 1999

Thesalonika against NATO aggression
Athens, April 19, 1999 (Beta - abridged) - More than 80 soldiers of the
Greek armed forces condemned the aggression of the NATO forces on
Yugoslavia and refused carrying out their duties relating to the attack on

Sailor of the Greek Navy Nikos Gardikis from the destroyer Themistocles
which should have set off to the Adriatic, announced his written statement
in which he says he should not be involved in this war because it is beyond
his oath he had given to defend his own country.

The destroyer Themistocles was to replace the destroyer Kimon, taking part
in annual Nato exercises in the region.

Another officer and one non-commissioned officer of the destroyer
Themistocles also expressed their refusal to participate in the NATO
attack. The statement also came from George Papaioannou, a sailor, who said
in a statement on behalf of the eight sailors who joined him: "We would
rather face imprisonment, but stay with our head up high and our principles
intact, rather than serve under the Nato flag and participate even
indirectly in the crime being committed against Yugoslavia." His letter was
backed by 26 Greek artists and novelists. =20

Copyright =A9 1998, 1999 Ministry of Information


P.S. I wonder how long we can continue to post this sort of info, in that
NATO regards Yugo media (especially TV but not limited to them) as
legitimate bombing targets and that the US military is developing what to
do with left-wing uses of the internet. According to Michael Perelman's
PEN-L post:

*****  A study prepared for the US military on what they call "Netwar"
concludes that they must center attention on countering the activities of
NGOs using Internet communication.

The study was sponsored by the US Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
and was produced in the RAND Arroyo Center's Strategy and Doctrine Program.
The Arroyo Center is a federally funded research and development center
sponsored by the United States Army. Based on an analysis of the
international solidarity developed by NGOs in support of the Zapatistas, it
particularly targets the APC as a network for NGOs. The following
quote indicates the thrust of the study:

"The most important remains the Association for Progressive Communications
(APC), which, as discussed earlier, is a worldwide partnership of member
networks (like Peacenet and Conflictnet) that provides low-cost computer
communications services and information-sharing tools to individuals and
NGOs working on social issues."

The full report (in Adobe Acrobat format) is at:

see also eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/mediamentor
=46ree Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com  *****

Lou wrote:

>Over on the Trotsky newsgroup, somebody just posted something

>about Greek troops refusing orders.

*****  <<http://www.serbia-info.com/news/military/index.html>=20

<bold><fontfamily><param>Arial</param><bigger><bigger>Greek army won't
fight for US interests

</bigger></bigger></fontfamily></bold>April 19, 1999

<bold>Thesalonika against NATO aggression

</bold>Athens, April 19, 1999 (Beta - abridged) - More than 80 soldiers
of the Greek armed forces condemned the aggression of the NATO forces
on Yugoslavia and refused carrying out their duties relating to the
attack on Yugoslavia.

Sailor of the Greek Navy Nikos Gardikis from the destroyer Themistocles
which should have set off to the Adriatic, announced his written
statement in which he says he should not be involved in this war
because it is beyond his oath he had given to defend his own country.

The destroyer Themistocles was to replace the destroyer Kimon, taking
part in annual Nato exercises in the region.

Another officer and one non-commissioned officer of the destroyer
Themistocles also expressed their refusal to participate in the NATO
attack. The statement also came from George Papaioannou, a sailor, who
said in a statement on behalf of the eight sailors who joined him: "We
would rather face imprisonment, but stay with our head up high and our
principles intact, rather than serve under the Nato flag and
participate even indirectly in the crime being committed against
Yugoslavia." His letter was backed by 26 Greek artists and novelists.

Copyright =A9 1998, 1999 Ministry of Information

Email: <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *****


P.S. I wonder how long we can continue to post this sort of info, in
that NATO regards Yugo media (especially TV but not limited to them) as
legitimate bombing targets and that the US military is developing what
to do with left-wing uses of the internet. According to Michael
Perelman's PEN-L post:

*****  A study prepared for the US military on what they call "Netwar"
concludes that they must center attention on countering the activities
of NGOs using Internet communication.

The study was sponsored by the US Deputy Chief of Staff for
Intelligence and was produced in the RAND Arroyo Center's Strategy and
Doctrine Program. The Arroyo Center is a federally funded research and
development center sponsored by the United States Army. Based on an
analysis of the international solidarity developed by NGOs in support
of the Zapatistas, it particularly targets the APC as a network for
NGOs. The following

quote indicates the thrust of the study:

"The most important remains the Association for Progressive
Communications (APC), which, as discussed earlier, is a worldwide
partnership of member networks (like Peacenet and Conflictnet) that
provides low-cost computer communications services and
information-sharing tools to individuals and NGOs working on social

The full report (in Adobe Acrobat format) is at:


see also eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/mediamentor

=46ree Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com  *****


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