Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

> At 04:31 PM 4/20/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >> Yes it does by modus todus. If P then Q. ~P so ~ Q. If bombing
> >leads to
> >the destruction of Kosovo then not bombing will lead to not
> >destroying
> >Kosovo. >
> Modus tollens, I presume which takes the form if p then q, not q, therefore
> not p.  It is clear form the truth table for the implication
> p  q   if p then q
> T  T    T
> F  T    T
> T  F    F
> F  F    T
> (in plain English: implication cannot lead from a true premise toa false
> conclusion).
> the form "if p then q, not p therefore not q" is a non-sequitur which can
> be easily demonstrated by the following example.
> If someone is shot in the head, that someone is dead. (true)
> Nixon was not shot in the head. (true)
> Ergo: Nixon is not dead (false).

Right. Which is why I work in a  kitchen and not a classroom! The proper form
of the argument would have been negation introduction or reductio ad absurdum:

Sam Pawlett

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