Jim Devine wrote:

>I think a lot of this can be summed up by saying that we get a lot more in
>terms of commodified products -- the kind of stuff that's counted in Gross
>Domestic Product because it's bought and sold -- but we're not doing well
>in terms of non-commodities.

I agree 100%. So far no one has commented -- even so far as to say huh? I
don't know what you're talking about -- on my claim that the commodification
growth agenda can be traced to a conceptual flaw in the calculus underlying
mainstream economic analysis. I've given the page number where Enrico Barone
introduces a demonstratively fallacious notion of labour time/output into a
pareto optimalization equation. I'm got the smoking fucking gun, you guys,
and nobody says "huh?"

Oh yeah, right. I forgot. Nobody ever makes goofs of this magnitude. Child
bed fever was Semmelweis's paranoid fantasy -- doctor, don't bother washing
your hands. The Y2K bug is 600 billion dollar urban myth -- programmer,
don't touch that code.

And the fact that S.J. Chapman's theory of hours just kinda got forgot
without anyone noticing is the kind of thing that happens everyday in
academia. Where'd I put that . . . uhm? Who? Duh? Oh well, moving right along.

Yeah, that and the fact that the lump-of-labour fallacy bandied about by
Samuelson and the Economist and others doesn't happen to be the lump-of-
labour fallacy as stated by Schloss in the 1891 Economic Review.

Hey bros, I'm telling you we got a systematic pattern of fuck-ups here that
points to a fatal flaw. Fantastic uptake, here considering that the
eight-hours day movement was the birthplace of the modern working class

Am I getting impatient? Oh no. I'm just patiently writing away in the two or
three hours a day when I'm not looking after a five year old, while the
world is quickly going to fucking hell in a handbasket and I've got the key
to turn the thing around and nobody even asks, "what's that you keep going
on about, Walker?"

The calculus is null and void, man, Barone ramps up dead meat onto the
calculus and everything since Bergson ain't worth the trees they murdered to
print the lousy journals on.

Dumb fuck.


Tom Walker

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