I just read a post from the TiM (Truth in Media ) website. The fellow who runs
it went over to Belgrade just recently to report the war firsthand. He noted
that there was a huge lineup at one place in Belgrade. He asked someone if they
were lining up for food. No, cigarettes, the fellow said. The TiM guy checked
with someone in the line. Yes. Indeed. So at least some good
has come of the NATO bombing. Many Serbs will have to quit cold turkey.
   CHeers, Ken Hanly

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> This just in (via Louis Godena). Beware of health nuts. (What's next?
> Bombing Cuban cigar factories in the name of 'liberating' the oppressed
> queer-Cuban nation?)
> Yoshie
> *****  The end result of tonight's bombing of my city (11:15 p.m., April
> 19):  one dead, 15 wounded.  All civilians of course.  Several streets in
> the vicinity of the Tobacco factory of Nis levelled, only rubble left.  The
> Tobacco factory of Nis, one of the largest in Europe,  was hit several
> times last night and it is no more.  It produced cigarettes only.  35,000
> workers out of work now, meaning that 100,000 people (their families) will
> be left penniless in my city (300,000 people).
> It is ominous that the American administration reformulated its targets now
> --- they are focusing on the "economy", and, of course, you know what that
> means.
> Djordje
> University of Nis, Serbia

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