Also Capital and Class; Economics and Philosophy; Capitalism Nature 
Socialism; Studies in Political Economy; Peace Economics, Peace Science 
and Public Policy; Economics & Politics; Politics and Society

On Fri, 23 Jun 1995, Eric Nilsson wrote:

> I could use a bit of help.
> I'm looking for the names of journals that publish
> ECONOMICS articles that might be classified as 
> marxist, feminist, institutionalist, post-Keynesian, 
> radical, or other heterodox approaches.
> Below is an alpha list of journals that I've tracked down.
> I know I've overlooked other journals. If you know of others, would
> you mind sending me:
>       -the name of the journal
>       -the name(s) of the editor(s)
>       -e-mail address of editor (best of all)
> This is for my newsletter Review of Heterodox Economics
> (coming SOON) which will include, among other things, a 
> listing of the contents of current heterodox economics journals 
> much like that appearing in the JEL.
> 1. Antipode (this is a radical geography journal)
> 2. Cambridge Journal of Economics
> 3. Competition and Change: The Journal of 
>       Global Business and Political Economy
> 4. Economy and Society
> 5. Feminist Economics
> 6. Journal of Australian Political Economy
> 7. Journal of Economic Issues
> 8. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
> 9. Journal of World-Systems Research (this is an electronic journal)
> 10. Monthly Review
> 11. Rethinking Marxism
> 12. Review: Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center 
>       for the Study of Economics, Historical Systems, 
>       and Civilizations
> 13. Review of International Political Economy
> 14. Review of Radical Political Economics
> 15. Review of Social Economy
> 16. Science and Society
> Eric Nilsson
> .
> Eric Nilsson
> Department of Economics
> California State University
> San Bernardino, CA 92407

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