IN THIS MESSAGE:  AFL Statement on Kosovo; LCLAA Statement on Kosovo;
Military Bombing Practice Kills Civilian in Puerto Rico

                          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


     WASHINGTON, DC, April 1 ---- John J. Sweeney, President of the
     AFL-CIO, today issued the following statement on the crisis in

     "The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
     Organizations (AFL-CIO) condemns the savage human and worker
     rights violations being committed by Serb military forces and
     security police in Kosovo.

     We are horrified at the news that Agim Hajrizi, founding member of
     the independent trade union movement in the province and president
     of the BSPK (Bashkimi Sindikate Pavarura Kosova) Assembly was
     murdered a few days ago along with his twelve-year old son and
     mother. And we are concerned that a similar fate has befallen Dr.
     Hajrullah Gorani, president of the BSPK, who has been missing
     since the night of March 25, when police raided his home.

     The AFL-CIO calls upon the international community to make
     protection of civilians and of human rights a priority of the NATO
     operations and to declare that the continuing atrocities in Kosovo
     constitute war crimes on the part of Serbian political and
     military leaders, as well as those who are taking innocent lives
     in this senseless slaughter.

     We urge working Americans of all religions and faiths to offer
     prayers for the refugees from Kosovo and to send contributions to:
     American Red Cross International Response Fund, P.O. Box 37243,
     Washington, DC 20013, Tel: 1-800-HELP-NOW."

     Sweeney also conveyed these positions in letters to President Bill
     Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright today.

     For Information Contact :
     Naomi Walker (202)637-5093

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     Copyright ) AFL-CIO

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 21:24:27 -0700
From: Ed Rosario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: labor newsline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S.F. LCLAA Says "No" to U.S./NATO Intervention in Yugoslavia

To All Supporters of Human Rights:

This is the official position of the San Francisco Chapter of the Labor
Council for Latin American Advancement (AFL-CIO).  The vote for the
resolution passed unanimously on April 20, 1999.

Whereas, the U.S./NATO military intervention in Yugoslavia is
ill-conceived, illegal, and a serious threat to international peace, and

Whereas, this intervention demonstrates that NATO is not concerned about
any of the Balkan peoples' right to self-determination, and

Whereas, the bombings have already caused severe harm to the people
these efforts are supposed to help, and the continuing attacks result in
bringing death and misery to the general population, and

Whereas, the billions of dollars to finance the bombings of auto
factories, apartment buildings, bridges, and other targets would be more
productively spent on human needs in that region as well as here in the
United States,

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council for Latin
American Advancement (AFL-CIO), opposes the U.S./NATO bombings and all
other forms of military intervention in Yugoslavia, and supports the
people of the Balkans right to self-determination.

In Solidarity,
Eduardo (Eddie) Rosario - President
S.F. - Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)

SF-LCLAA meetings are held at:
660 Howard Street (UNITE Building)
Between New Montgomery and 3rd Streets
6 PM, every 3rd Tuesday of the month.


Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 22:47:13 -0700
From: Ed Rosario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 03:30:52 EDT
Subject: Bombardeo en Vieques: un muerto y 4 heridos; vecinos en peligro

Errant Bombs Kill 1 in Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (April 19) -- Two U.S. Marine jets dropped bombs on a 
lookout post at a remote training ground in Puerto Rico on Monday, killing 
civilian and injuring four people. 

The two F-18 jets based on the USS John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier were on a 
night training run over Vieques, an island off the coast of Puerto Rico, at 
7:30 p.m., said Roberto Nelson, spokesman for Roosevelt Roads Naval Station. 
The Navy base operates the training ground in the U.S. territory. 

Their bombs missed a target area and landed near the post where four civilian 
contractors and one military observer were working. The blasts killed one 
and injured the other people, though the Navy would not release their 

``They were just in the area, doing their job, when this unfortunate accident 
Nelson said. ``We empathize and sympathize with the family of the deceased, 
we will do a full investigation to see what happened here.'' 

The injured were flown to the Roosevelt Roads Navy base hospital, about 20 

Nelson said the Navy would not identify the victims until family members had 

He said it was not unusual for airplanes to do bombing at night at the site. 

Police and Civil Defense officials on the island of Vieques said they 
received a 
call from a security guard in the area asking for ambulances soon after the 

The U.S. Navy controls about 75 percent of Vieques for military maneuvers 
and weapons storage. The island is 21 miles long and four miles wide, located 
about eight miles east of Puerto Rico. 

Residents oppose the use of live munitions there, saying the frequent 
disturb fishing grounds and have thwarted the island's efforts to attract 

Opponents of the U.S. military presence on the island said the accident had 
confirmed their worst fears. 

``What happened is what for years they have been saying was going to 
said Robert Rabin, who manages the Conde de Mirasol local history museum. `

`Vieques lives under the continual danger that this type of situation will 
if the Navy makes a mistake in its bombardment from ships and airplanes.'' 

But Nelson defended the training ground's importance, noting that most of the 
Navy and Marine aircraft involved in the Kosovo conflict trained there. 

``All of those pilots who are in Kosovo have dropped live ordnance in 
Nelson said. ``That is the importance of Vieques in this (Kosovo) 

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