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Date sent:              Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:41:19 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                A German Insider's View of Kosovo Conflict

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999
From: Gunder Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A German Insider's View of Kosovo Conflict

BONN, Apr. 17 - The following report, which TiM has now received from a
multitude of sources, has been attributed to a "German insider."  Since we
normally don't publish articles from sources which we cannot authenticate,
we have sat on this text for several days now. 

But not only have some credible sources from the international intelligence
community also forwarded the same report to us, but it has now also been
passed on by Jürgen Reents, Press-spokesman of PDS at the German
parliament.  The original text, posted at the German, can be found at the
PDS site: http://www2.pds-online.de/bt/themen/99041303.htm

[AGF editorial note: I can at least certify the verity of the above:

    Diese Seite ist Teil des WWW-Angebotes der PDS im Bundestag 
    Erklärung eines Insiders aus dem Bonner Regierungsapparat zum
    Balkan-Krieg vom 7. April 1999 
    Beiliegende "Erklärung eines Insiders aus dem Bonner
    Regierungsapparat zum Balkan-Krieg vom 7. April 1999" ging dem
    Pressebüro der PDS-Fraktion am 8.4. anonym zu. Der Absender hat
    ausdrücklich um Veröffentlichung gebeten. 
    Jürgen Reents,     Pressesprecher der PDS im Bundestag ]
    Diese Seite ist Teil des WWW-Angebotes der PDS im Bundestag
    Die Startseite mit allen Menüs können Sie in diesem oder einem neuen
 Fenster laden!

    Erklärung eines Insiders aus dem Bonner Regierungsapparat zum
    Balkan-Krieg vom 7. April 1999 

    Beiliegende "Erklärung eines Insiders aus dem Bonner
    Regierungsapparat zum Balkan-Krieg vom 7. April 1999" ging dem
    Pressebüro der PDS-Fraktion am 8.4. anonym zu. Der Absender hat
    ausdrücklich um Veröffentlichung gebeten. 
    Jürgen Reents, Pressesprecher der PDS im Bundestag

And so, without further ado, here's a "German insider's" story about what
the "Kosovo Crisis" is all about…


1. Personal Preliminary Remarks

2. About the current lies told by [Chancellor] Schroeder, [Defense
   Minister] Scharping, and [Foreign Minister] Fischer

3. CIA covert action aimed at dismembering Yugoslavia

Personal Preliminary Remarks:

This text I am giving to a Catholic priest, who is a member of the Order
for Peace [Ordensleute für den Frieden] here in Germany. I am doing so
while maintaining confessional confidentiality, and divulging no
information as to my identity. He will transmit this text on my behalf to
those who need to know the truth.

I hold a high-security post in the government apparatus in Bonn, and for
reasons of conscience can no longer remain silent. The facts that I am
about to divulge are, for the better informed, examinable and verifiable.

Both the entire NATO propaganda staff as well as the Infernal Trio,
Schroeder, Scharping and Fischer, here in Germany are unabashedly lying to
the public with nearly every "fact" they present about the Balkans War,
while a willing media pack is keenly spreading these lies, unverified, as
gospel truth.

About the current situation:

The Federal Government knows the true reasons why the people are fleeing
and is cynically playing with the calculated misery of the refugees in the
border regions of Kosovo, in order to maintain an image comparable to WW II
deportations and "ethnic cleansing".

Neither the military intelligence arm of the Bundeswehr nor that of the
NATO have at their disposal photographic evidence, intelligence knowledge,
indications and proof leading to the conclusion that there is systematic
expulsion or deportation of refugees by the Yugoslav special forces, army
or police. According to internal acknowledgement of the defense ministry
the reasons for flight are more or less equally distributed:

  (1) Excess on the part of Yugoslav soldiers and police force, often
triggered in part by KLA attacks carried out under cover of Kosovo-Albanian
civilians. Information is on hand that Yugoslav soldiers caught looting are
summarily court-martialed;

  (2) The results of the NATO bombing, such as the lack of potable water in
nearly all cities of Kosovo and general devastation;

  (3)Understandable fear of getting caught in the crossfire between the
KLA, the Yugoslav military, and NATO attacks;

  (4) Constant spreading of panic and horror stories in the broadcasts of
dozens of small KLA, NATO or Albanian shortwave radio stations located in
the mountains, alongside the propaganda broadcasts of the KLA over Radio

  (5) Pillaging bands of the Albanian mafia, who with their weapons stolen
during the Albanian civil war, extort money, search abandoned houses for
anything of value and then burn the houses down to create political effect;

  (6) KLA irregular troops, who have declared a "general mobilization" and
are forcing every available man into their military service. Those
objecting are submitted to grave physical abuse and released only upon
paying a ransom, and having sworn under threat of vendetta, not to tell the
truth but to tell family and the media that they had been mishandled by Serbs.

  (7) The announcement by the KLA that NATO will inevitably have to carry
out a ground attack and that this attack is imminent.

Some sectors of NATO welcome the mass exodus of refugees. The military in
Germany favorably greeted the Pentagon's April 5, [1999] commentary to the
effect that when all had fled, Kosovo could be carpet bombed with no

The German government knows that there are no concentration camps, that no
houses where marked with "S" by Serbs. This, as well as the news that
people are not being detained in a stadium in Pristina, was reported by
representatives of the catholic church in Pristina in a direct telephone
conversation with employees of the German government. Still Scharping is
spreading these lies.

The German government is also aware that on the borders American and
European private media are offering up to US $200,000 for video footage of
massacres - real or posed.

NATO and the German army are logistically supporting the KLA. Food,
uniforms and instructors are furnished mainly by the Bundeswehr as well as
the USA. All KLA commanders are in constant radio contact with NATO.

NATO ground forces are already operating doing reconnaissance inside
Kosovo. They are German and US units whose task is to detect and give the
coordinates of ground targets. Furthermore, NATO officers are functioning
as liaison commandos for the KLA. The contacts that were necessary for this
mission were established by US and German officers, in violation of their
mission as OSCE observers, preceding NATO-attacks. Here the German
parliament is being as much taken for a fool as the general public.

With the deployment of German Tornado aircraft, our Defense Minister has
chosen to premeditatedly violate the Geneva Convention and other
international laws of warfare. This applies to the targeting and
destruction of the military hospital in Belgrade, as well as the attacks
carried out against the Danube bridges and among other things, the
disturbance/interruption of the continuation of international traffic on
the Danube between Regensburg and the Black Sea, which also Germany as a
bordering state to the Danube has guaranteed under international law to

The Chancellor and Foreign Minister knew from the outset that no Yugoslav
government could ever sign the occupation statute, as it appeared in
articles 6, 8 and 10 of Annex B of the Rambouillet Treaty. Both understood
clearly that this would mean the end of Yugoslavia as a sovereign state.
War was therefore inevitable. 

Experts of the Justice Ministry poked fun at these passages, these clauses
NATO would give NATO the rights of a medieval robber-knight throughout the
whole of Yugoslavia. Furthermore, according to Filippo di Robilant, the
Italian legal advisor at Rambouillet to Rugova, the moderate
Kosovo-Albanian, Rugova only signed after he was given assurance by Robin
Cook, that NATO would attack exclusively military targets and that measures
would be taken to safeguard the civilian population in the whole of

Code named "Roots" - a covert action under which the CIA prepared the war -
the objective is the destruction of Yugoslavia though loss of Kosovo,
Montenegro and Vojvodina.

Under the "Roots" operations, the USA has since the beginning of the first
term of Clinton's Administration been working - in close collaboration with
Germany - on this covert action of the CIA and the DIA, and supported by
the German secret service. The objective of "Roots" is the military and
ethnic destabilization of Yugoslavia, the last bastion of resistance in the

The objective of "Roots'" is the dissociation of Kosovo as the principal
source of raw materials for Yugoslavia though a comprehensive autonomy, by
Albanian annexation or total independence; the secession of Montenegro, its
the only remaining access to the Adriatic, and the dislocation of Vojvodina
the "bread basket," and another source of raw materials for Yugoslavia
leading to the total collapse of Yugoslavia as a viable, industrial state.

Behind this action is Germany's and the USA's fear that Yugoslavia will
ally itself with Russia and other former Soviet states once Yeltsin is
replaced by communist and nationalist forces in the near future. [ ... ] 

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