On Fri, 30 Jun 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Please, I need information (articles, books, etc.) about the
> worker strategies against the "participative management" in the
> american companies
> Arturo Pacheco ( Visiting Professor at CSU, Fullerton)

Labor Notes publishes several pertinent books. Mike Parker's Inside the 
Circle would be helpful to you.  Wilson McLeod wrote a nice law review 
article on the more general subject which appeared in the predecessor to 
the Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law about 2 years ago.  
Labor Notes monthly newsletter addresses these issues periodically.  
Labor Research Review from Chicago has addressed these issues several 
times.  If you can't locate these and are interested, write me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll get you addresses and citations.


Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Phone:  619-525-1449
Fax:    619-696-9999

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