July 8, 1995    

Call to Action! Oppose U.S. Acceptance of Colombian Diplomat and Consul
Involved in Gross Human Rights Violations!

Two Colombian military officers responsible for egregious human rights
violations have been named by the Colombian government to diplomatic and
consular positions in the U.S. These outrages call to the skies for a

One, Major General Juan Salcedo Lora, was responsible for the extralegal
disappearance of Colombian citizen Manuel Reyes Cardenas in 1988. Salcedo
Lora has been named as Military Attache to the Colombian Embassy in
Washington, D.C. 

The other, retired Colonel Luis Alfonso Plazas Vega, is directly
responsible for two of the worst repressive facts of recent Colombian
history: the military's mass murder of the Colombian Supreme Court justices
in November 1985 at the Palace of Justice (following the M19 guerrilla
takeover of the building), and the formation of the death squad "M.A.S." in
1980 in league with the Drug Trafficker Rodriguez Gacha. Rodriquez Gacha
was the military head of the Medellin Cartel, against which U.S. spent
hundreds of millions of dollars on the 'war on drugs'!  And now Gacha's
associate Plazas Vega thinks he can waltz into San Francisco! 

 Plazas Vega was named honorary Consul to Hamburg Germany in April 1995.
The German government protested his appointment because of his horrendous
human rights violations and forced the Colombian authorities to rescind his
appointment. The Colombian authorities now have decided to name him
Colombian Consul for San Francisco, California! 

These men are no strangers to the U.S. Government.  In 1971, Salcedo Lora
attended a mysterious School of the Americas course entitled "Special
Maintenance Orientation" which many of the hemisphere's worst human rights
violators attended. In 1979, he was an "invited instructor" at the School
of the Americas. Plazas Vega attended the U.S. Army's Command and General
Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth Kansas from 1983 to 1984. Both have used
their high positions to escape legal proceedings initiated in Colombia.

It is an outrage that U.S. taxpayers pay for murderers like these to come
to U.S. institutions, receive all kinds of benefits and then gain, de
facto, the "seal of the approval" from the U.S. for their command of
subsequent disappearances and murders of 'opponents' in Colombia! Labor
activists, critical journalists, community activists, third party
candidates -- are being murdered in Colombia at a rate of 8 a day under the
orders of military officers like Salcedo Lora and Plazas Vega. The U.S.
Ambassador to Colombia, Myles Frechette, must be called to answer for
failing to adequately screen out these two human rights violators.

We call on all people of conscience to raise a bloody stink about these two
criminals -- Demand their removal from these consular and diplomatic
positions! Short letters or faxes from scores to hundreds of people will
make a difference. The heat is on the Colombian government. Please write

1) U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher: 2201 C. St. NW,Washington,
D.C. 20520;  Fax: 202 647-7120
2) U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Myles Frechette: U.S. Embassy, Bogota,
Colombia; Fax: 011 57 1 287 9397
3) U.S. President William Clinton: The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500 
4) Colombian President Ernesto Samper:  Palacio de Narino, Bogota,
Colombia;         Fax: 011 571 2867434  

If possible, send copies of your letters to the editor of your local
newspaper and to your local congressional representatives. Please also send
a copy to the Colombia Support Network (CSN). 

For a copy of detailed charges against Salcedo Lora and Plazas Vega,
contact CSN at P.O. Box 1505, Madison, WI 53701; 608 255-6554; fax 255-6621
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (They are posted on the electronic conferences
hr.americas and reg.andes on Peacenet , as well as on the
soc.culture.colombia Usenet group)

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