As I drove to work this morning, listing to US Nationalist Public Radio, I
was struck by the explanations given by the reporter, Silvia Pojoli (sp?),
for the US/NATO bombing of the Serbian television station. Not only did it
seem that she had abandoned journalistic standards in order to simply
paraphrase NATO press releases, but it sure sounded like exactly the same
rationalizations could be used to justify the bombing of NPR's
headquarters. After all, NPR was being used to whip up popular support for
a war and hatred, etc.

I'm not advocating bombing NPR, but many would. We hear about the
possibility of terrorists from outside the US sneaking in with suitcase
nukes (under any missile defense that Clinton and his Republicans put up).
It seems to me that we're getting close to a point where some Russian --
inflamed by hatred of US/NATO and by solidarity with the embattled Serbs --
comes into NYC with one of the stray nukes that Russia has (or maybe
uranium or plutonium in powder form or nerve gas) and does unto others what
the US/NATO does to his perceived friends. Terrorism from the sky breeds
terrorism on the ground.

BTW, is this war one of girders that Clinton is using to build a bridge to
the 21st century?

BTW2, there is nothing wrong with golfers _per se_. (Some of my best
friends....) Golf doesn't involve much in the way of exercise, so the
golfers are essentially taking a stroll in the artificial countryside while
fooling themselves that they're staying in shape. The problem is that golf
courses take up tremendous amounts of real estate, closing off the ersatz
natural beauty thus created to the general public. (Public courses are far
outnumbered by private courses and there are fees to get in, even at public
courses.) I think the land would be better used for public parks, with some
of the area dedicated to miniature golf courses to satisfy the would-be
Arnold Palmers or those who want to network and schmooze while holding a
golf club. 

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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