> BTW2, there is nothing wrong with golfers _per se_. (Some of my best
> friends....) Golf doesn't involve much in the way of exercise, so the
> golfers are essentially taking a stroll in the artificial
> countryside while
> fooling themselves that they're staying in shape.

Not at all.  We know it isn't exercise.  Our motto, while renting electric
carts:  "If I wanted exercise I'd go to a gym."

> The problem is that golf courses take up tremendous amounts of real
estate, closing off the ersatz natural beauty thus created to the general
public. >

Any local govt that has the wherewithal to build public courses usually
spends money on parks as well.  Most areas that have room for golf courses
also have natural woodlands.

> (Public courses are far outnumbered by private courses and there are fees
to get in, even at public courses.) I think the land would be better used
for public parks, with some of the area dedicated to miniature golf courses
to satisfy the would-be Arnold Palmers or those who want to network and
schmooze while holding a golf club.  >

If it's not obvious, miniature golf is a totally different game.  It's for
children and for teenagers who go on dates but don't have much to say to
each other.


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