>The European Marches against unemployment group together numerous
>organisations which may have different analyses about the Balkan war. In
>France, militants from trade unions and associations have drafted a text, on
>which we have elaborated the day of our meeting of the secretariats of the
>European Marches in Cologne, the 16th of April 1999. This text has been
>considered as a good basis for discussion and the amended project must be
>discussed in each country of the European Marches network.
>Please send us your  comments.
>Every day that goes by, the war in Kosovo aggravates the situation of the
>civil populations, who were already greatly affected by the years of
>insidious war and by the privations provoked mainly by the serbian
>nationalist rulers.
>The responsibility of the European Union and of the USA, through  NATO, in
>the actual situation is devastating. Far from helping the Kosovo population,
>the bombing permitted to the Serbian government  to intensify the ethnic
>cleansing and to procede to even more massacres in Kosovo, while repressing
>Serb opposers and rallying around it the population of Serbia, in a reflex
>of nationalistic defense.
>We demand that:
>- the NATO bombings stop immediately
>- negociations start and a political solution be sought; for it, one should
>take into account the aspirations of the Kossovar people and the respect of
>their right to self determination in a multi-cultural Kosovo  
>- the refugees who so wish be granted hospitality and free movement in all
>European countries
>In the context of war and rise of nationalism all over the Balkans, the
>autonomous expression of civil society, trade unions and associations is a
>decisive element for preserving and developing ties between the communities
>based on dialogue and democratic values, reconstruction of solidarity, and
>social struggles overcoming the splits between peoples.
>That is why we engage ourselves, as militants from associations and trade
>unions, in a project of aid for the development of information, exchange and
>debates networks in order to support democratic associations and trade
>unions, whether they are refugees or still in Kosovo, in Serbia or anywhere
>else in the Balkans.
>On the agenda of the European Union summit in Cologne, on June the 3rd and
>4th, two points are included:
>- one action plan for setting up a European defence, in relation to NATO 
>- a pact for employment, which will represent a heavy menace for the workers
>and for the unemployed in European Union.
>In view of this summit, the European Marches network organise a series of
>actions which will culminate in a large demonstration in the streets of
>Cologne on the 29th of May 1999.
>In order to mark our solidarity with all of the peoples of the Balkans
>victims of this war, to denounce those responsible for it, NATO, the USA,
>the EU and the Milosevic government, and in a broader sense to affirm our
>opposition to the militarist logic, which is useless from a social point of
>view and criminal from a human point of view, we decide to give the European
>Marches 99 the following name:
>"European Marches against unemployment, job insecurity, exclusions, racism
>and war"
>Marches europeennes contre le chomage, la precarite et les exclusions
>104, rue des Couronnes             Tel : +33 1 44 62 63 44
>F-75020 Paris  France              Fax : +33 1 44 62 63 45
>e-mail : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.mygale.org/02/ras/marches/
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]      (information en français, lecture seule)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]     (information in english, read only)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                (discussion, read/write, lecture/ecriture)
>Gestionnaire de la liste: F. Sauterey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Tom Walker

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