Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:
> . . .
>      On Sunday in the Washington Post there was a column by
> Paul Offner arguing that the states with the lowest AFDC
> payments have the highest out-of-wedlock birth rates, e.g.
> Mississippi.  Now, I don't know if he is right, but if so,
> this goes along with the crude time series of these
> variables raising doubts about all these studies finding
> some kind of positive relationship.   I realize that such a
> relationship might show with a "properly specified"
> simultaneous equations model, blah blah, but I am skeptical.

The key paper on this subject was done by Mary Jo Bane and
David Ellwood and thoroughly debunks the Murray hypothesis
that welfare benefits retard work effort and promote illegitimacy.
I don't have the exact cite, but the date is around 1984.  See
also Fighting Poverty, What Works and What Doesn't (Danziger and
Weinberg, eds).

Max B. Sawicky                  202-775-8810 (voice)
Economic Policy Institute       202-775-0819 (fax)
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