On Thu, 29 Aug 1996 11:24:08 -0700 (PDT) SHAWGI TELL 

> Rosser Jr, the only way to refute what you are stating in these posts 
> is by patient argument, over a series of posts, much like the ones I've 
> been posting recently.
> Shawgi Tell
> University at Buffalo
> Graduate School of Education
     I have already agreed that what the ROK gov't is doing 
to the students is reprehensible.  The ROK gov't is 
officially committed to peaceful reunification as is the 
DPRK gov't.  Both suck.  
     I am waiting to hear any remarks you have to say about 
the sentencing of former presidents Chun and Roh in the 
ROK. Are there any movements for ANYTHING allowed in the 
DPRK, or is it definitely already heaven on earth?
Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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