This is an essentially accurate description, although at least the books
mentioned below by Mr. Tell are worth reading if one is interested in
sociology of religion, etc. His more recent work the same cannnot be 
said of; not simply that he is a prominent member of the theological 
wing of the neoconservative movement (along iwth R.J.Neuhaus, Michael 
Novak, etc.), but there is simply nothing there in the way of 
intersting thought/ideas even within that frame.

ASAs the Chomsky quote shows, it's just crude nationalism. The Sacred 
Canopy at least has some engaging thought whether you agree or not 
(it's basically an appropriation of Feuerbach's ideas on religion as 
projection by a decidedly non-Marxist believer, which makes for an 
intersting combination.) An excellent discussion of Berger and related 
is in Gary Dorrien's <Soul in Society>, pp.189-220. (Fortress Press: 1995)

Thad Williamson
Nat'l Center for Economic and Security Alternatives (Washington)/
Union Theological Seminary (New York)
 > From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 31 05:25:32 1996
 > Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 05:14:10 -0700 (PDT)
 > Originator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Subject: [PEN-L:5912] Re: Who is Peter L. berger?
 > X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
 > X-Comment: Progressive Economics
 > Peter L. Berger is a petty bourgeois intellectual.  He is one of 
 > thousands of revisionists and co-author of the well-known 1966 book "The 
 > Social Construction of Reality."  Many of those trapped in the 
 > swamp of "intepretivism" and "phenomenology" practically worship him.  
 > Another work, "Invitation to Sociology," also embodies the eclecticism 
 > found in his "The Social Construction of Reality."
 > Shawgi Tell
 > University at Buffalo
 > Graduate School of Education

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