The working class movement is one of the oldest in the world.  It has 
continued against all obstacles to fight for its emancipation and for a 
socialist society.  Today its consciousness is growing about the necessity
of challenging the type of society which exists in capitalist countries.  
It stands on the threshold of providing itself with modern class 
consciousness, which is to say the necessary consciousness to lead 
society out of the crisis, the consciousness of developing its own 
revolutionary theory from the concrete conditions as prevailing 
nationally and internationally by using Marxism-Leninism as a guide.

In this regard the necessary instrument for the working class providing 
itself with a revolutionary theory is the proletarian party, the party of 
a new type, the vanguard of the working class.  Without such a 
revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary working class 
movement aimed at the overthrow of the capitalist system, which is long 
overdue, and no revolutionary communist party to guide it in this noble 
cause of overthrowing capitalism and building socialism through revolution.

Theory, which refers to the objective sphere, the opposite of pragmatism, 
shows that it is the working class itself which must go into action, 
which must provide itself with the necessary consciousness and 
organization to organize itself as a class, to be conscious of itself as 
a class.  Modern large-scale industry, modern capitalist society, has 
given rise to a modern proletariat which must provide itself with 
revolutionary class consciousness.  It must bring forth revolutionary 
intelligentsia and win over to its cause those coming from the petty 
bourgeoisie and middle strata in order to isolate the bourgeoisie to the 

The conclusion is therefore that the working class must emancipate itself 
and its emancipation cannot be the act of other classes.  Taken with the 
conclusion of the necessity of a proletarian party, it follows that the 
vanguard of the working class must be guided by Marxism-Leninism to work 
out and provide the working class with a revolutionary theory.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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