U.S. imperialism is pretending as if it is interested in setting
things right in the world. It has brought forth the medieval dictum
of "crime and punishment," "the carrot and the stick" as well as
"might makes right." It presents itself in the most self-righteous
colors, while committing the most serious crimes against the
peoples of the world such as its aggressive missile attack against
Iraq yesterday.
     There are many outstanding major problems in the world at this
time. The entire world needs renovation. U.S. imperialism, however,
presents its own opinions as the "reforms" that are necessary,
"reforms" to the economic and political system which are utterly
anachronistic. It is trying to impose on the entire world a
situation of "no progress and advance" by intervening militarily and
through other means worldwide.
     The concrete conditions prevailing at this time prove that
U.S. imperialism, far from being for reform and renovation,
actually stands as a block to any progress. One of the most
important lessons of the twentieth century is that the people must
oppose the use of force in the solution of problems between states.
U.S. imperialism, contrary to the requirements of lasting peace, is
pushing the use of force for its own self-serving reasons.
     All developments show that it is the peoples of the world who
must take matters into their own hands. Only the people are capable
of providing solutions to the existing problems in the world. One
of the most significant problems that has emerged is that it is
U.S. imperialism and other imperialist powers which are blocking
the path to progress, and they must be opposed.
     The aggression by U.S. imperialism against Iraq does not have
the aim to end repression. It is to tell the peoples of the world
that if they do not submit to U.S. imperialist dictate they will be
crushed. The peoples of the world can never accept this dictate of
U.S. imperialism. The peoples of the world have risen many times
before against imperialism, fascism and reaction. They will
continue to rise until all forms of oppression are ended. The
struggle against U.S. imperialist dictate is a contribution towards
this cause.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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