On Mon, October 19, 1998 at 14:22:16 (-0700) James Devine writes:
>Bill writes ...
>... Cui bono? and it's correlate Cui futuo? ...
>what does cui futuo mean? "who gets f**cked"?

That's what I was trying for.  My classically-trained computer-nerd
friend can't remember exactly how to conjugate "the nominative
masculine singular of the passive participle of a 3rd declension noun"
such as futuo.

So, any Latin conjugation geniuses out there?

I looked up futuo in my handy book on *The Latin Sexual Vocabulary* by
J. N. Adams.  The word futuo is apparently derived from futo, which
means to hit or to beat.

He also notes that many obscenities were apotropaic (intended to ward
off evil), and "played an important part in various spheres of
Italian life."


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