rakesh bhandari wrote:

> >Does anyone recall the original (or any) use of the term
> >"superexploitation" in Marxist literature?
> >Walter Daum
> Well, Walter, as I understand superexploitation, it obtains when the wage
> falls below the value of labor power.

That's not an answer to the question that Walter asked, Rakesh. As I can 
recall, the expression "superexploitation" is nowhere found in Marx. So 
when and who originated the term?

The wage can rise above or fall below the value of labor power. This does 
not mean, though, that workers who are paid below the value of labor 
power are superexploited. If one follows that line of reasoning then 
workers paid wages above the value of labor could be said to be 
*UNDER*(sub, mini) exploited!  


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