Something's fishy here. In the current (October) issues of The Progressive,
Adolph Reed issues his own endorsement of Democrat Tom Fricano -- the same
candidate the Buffalo chapter was ousted for endorsing.

Walter Daum

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:43:00 -0700 (PDT) Doug Henwood said:

>I forwarded Paul Zarembka's account of the Labor Party's expulsion of the
>Buffalo chapter to Adolph Reed, a member of the LP's national executive
>committe and one of the authors of the party's platform. Here's Adolph's
>>I don't know exactly how Zarembka is characterizing what the INC did or
>>what provoked it; I do know that in some earlier pronouncement he brushed
>>off consideration of the action that had precipitated revocation of the
>>Buffalo chapter's charter by saying that it wasn't really pertinent to his
>>procedural complaint. Here are the simple facts of the case. At the Labor
>>Party Founding Convention which had adopted by democratic vote after free
>>and open debate a resolution on political action that included the
>>following commitment: "The Labor Party will not endorse candidates of any
>>kind, will not run people for office, and will not spend Labor Party
>>resources on electoral campaigns, before an electoral strategy is adopted
>>by a national Labor Party convention, nor before we prove capable of
>>recruiting sufficient numbers of people around a new agenda." Three weeks
>>after the convention a majority of members present at a meeting of the
>>Buffalo chapter in clear and self-conscious violation of that position
>>voted to endorse a Demopcratic candidate for congress.(Minutes of the
>>meeting indicate that the fact that this action was in violation of Labor
>>Party policy was discussed and report that one member indicated that the
>>chapter would "endorse him and the national organization would follow".)
>>Zarembka, signing as chair of the chapter, wrote a letter to the candidate
>>informing him of that endorsement. Since that time, I've seen some of
>>Zarembka's sophistry feigning ignorance or confusion about the policy.
>>That's preposterous. He was at the Cleveland convention, was an active and
>>vocal participant -- even to the point of attempting to form a dissident
>>caucus in the back of the convention center immediately upon our final
>>adjournment. What we passed was unambiguous.
>>The action taken in the name of the Buffalo chapter was a clear provocation
>>and one that both could have deleterious consequences for trying to
>>maintain a coherent national organization -- why bother to have a
>>convention, program and constitution if they in no way constrain the
>>practices that can be undertaken in the organization's name? -- and could
>>jeopardize us legally with respect to Taft-Hartley restrictions on use of
>>trade union treasury funds to support electoral action. Under the
>>circumstances the Interim National Council had to move swiftly and firmly
>>to protect the interests and integrity of this fledgling organization, and
>>Tony M. acted prudently as National Organizer in revoking the chapter's
>>charter immediately upon ascertaining the facts of the case.
>>I don't know what Zarembka's problem is or what his game is; I do know that
>>his only visible role in this effort has been obstructionist.

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