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Date sent:              Fri, 07 May 1999 11:53:27 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Province                                                    Friday 7 May 1999



        The question is not whether something should be done but what. 
        The organization with the responsibility for "doing things" is 
        the UN Security Council.

        By Rafe Mair

        An open letter to President Clinton and Prime Minister Blair -- 
and, I suppose, if I'm writing the organ grinders I might just as well 
send a copy to the monkey, Prime Minister Chretien. 
        Now gentlemen, recognizing that you are set in authority over 
us I shall watch my language and manners and simply ask this: 
What the hell made you ever suppose you could bomb people into 
submission? And why, oh why do you continue adverting to 
Munich in 1938, Neville Chamberlain, and all that stuff? 
        Is it possible that you don't know that Munich was about 
carving up one sovereign state in favour of another? That it was 
this which distinguished it, at least in law, from Hitler invading the 
Rhineland in 1936 contrary to the Treaty of Versailles and made it 
different, though less so, from the forced Anschluss with Austria in 
1938? The Rhineland belonged to Germany and Austria, judging by 
the joyous maidens strewing Der Fuehrer's path with garlands, 
consented to the arrangement. 
        Can it possibly be that you don't understand that the Gulf War 
eight years ago was again about a tyrant taking someone else's 
country? And that whatever you might wish to be the case, Kosovo 
is part of Yugoslavia. 
        Perhaps it ought not to be. Maybe a referendum on self 
determination of peoples is appropriate, But at this moment, 
gentlemen -- and I repeat myself because, with respect you seem 
slow learners -- Kosovo is legally a province of Yugoslavia. 
        Now everyone agrees that Slobodan Milosevic is a very bad 
actor -- the only one in the area nastier is his wife. And he has been 
active in ethnic cleansing, following the example set by Croatia 
when they ethnic cleansed the bejabbers out of Serbians. The 
question is not whether something should be done but what. 
        The organization with the responsibility for "doing things" is the 
United Nations Security Council. I need not remind any of you 
gentlemen of that because your nations are all members. Now I 
understand that you thought of going that route but that two 
permanent members, China and Russia, wouldn't go along with the 
use of force. 
        Is it your position that because you couldn't get your way 
with the Security Council you were then entitled to find some 
other organization to do your bidding? That somehow this 
made it quite appropriate to convert NATO, formed as and 
hitherto a defensive organization, into an offensive outfit? 
        Did it not occur to you that China and Russia might be right? 
Each of them has had their hands full trying to force people to do 
their will -- indeed Russia is especially experienced in that regard -- 
and probably had some sage advice that you would have done well 
to heed? Do you not know that Yugoslavia held down 600,000 
German soldiers during World War II and that the reason Stalin 
permitted the late President Tito to break out of the Iron Curtain in 
1948 was not some passing liberal fancy, but the clear knowledge 
that the Red Army would be occupied forever in fighting Yugoslav 
partisans if he invaded? 
        Gentlemen, have any of you been to Yugoslavia? I don't mean 
by first-class jet travel to Belgrade or perhaps a hop into Sarajevo 
for some skiing -- I mean have you driven around the place as I 
have? It is, as a wag well put it, Viet Nam with mountains. There 
can hardly be on the face of this planet a better place for guerrillas 
to hold down a modern army and a modern air force. If NATO 
sends ground troops into the Balkans it will be Chechnya, Viet Nam 
and Afghanistan all rolled up into one with Tibet and Mongolia 
thrown in. That may well be what Russia and China were trying to 
tell you. 
        I really hate risking turning this subtle bit of soft diplomacy of 
mine into a screed but are you heads of government telling us mere 
mortals (who must weigh your words, so carefully screened though 
spin doctors into the CNN mikes) that you didn't realize that by 
bombing hell out of Serbia you would create a living hell for the 
very people you set out to save -- the poor Kosovars? 
        I have nothing to add, gentlemen, except that once more you 
prove, as if more proof were necessary, that Mair's Axiom I is 
unassailable: You make a very serious mistake assuming that people 
in charge know what the hell they're doing. 

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