From: andrew kliman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been asked to forward the following letter from the president of the
Zimbabwe Labour Party.  Others interested in helping call attention to the
issues and promote the tour are asked to post it on additional lists and

Andrew Kliman

Zimbabwe Labour Party
P.O. Box BE 814  Belvedere
Harare, Zimbabwe

October 9, 1996

Dear friend,

The struggle in Zimbabwe continues! Organizations such as mine, the Zimbabwe
Labour Party (ZLP) are rising to challenge the situation in our country
whereby sixteen years after the first free elections in a liberated Zimbabwe,
political power has slipped from the hands of the common people.

I am in the U.S to talk about what is being done to correct this reversal of
liberation, and to find out how we can build solidarity between ourselves and
like-minded organizations and individuals in your country. Our primary goal is
to raise funds to start a newspaper.

Rampant corruption and a widened gap between the rich and poor has been the
result of a lack of real democracy in Zimbabwe. If these problems are not
addressed, a violent and bloody change is regrettably inevitable. Our economy
is in shambles mainly because of greed, corruption and nepotism on the part of
the elite of the ruling party, the ZANU (PF).

State-run companies are bleeding the nation to death as they are run on
partisan lines and unbelievably huge losses have been incurred. This means
that the IMF/World Bank-sponsored Structural Adjustment Programme is doomed to
failure as there is no political competition for contracts. That has not
stopped the SAP from bringing untold suffering resulting in an increase in
street kids, prostitution and crime.

Opposition is stifled as the ruling ZANU (PF) controls state radio, television
and daily newspapers. The Political Parties Finance Act gives $40 million in
campaign finances only to the ruling party. The ruling party uses state
resources during election times. Opposition supporters are victimised by
setting their houses and property on fire. The minority whites, gays/lesbians
and Ndebele people are often used as scapegoats for the economic ills of the

The Zimbabwe Labour Party is committed to correcting these anomalies and we
kindly ask for financial donations.  I am here in the U.S. on a lecture and
fundraising tour and I am available to meet with you and your membership.
Please contact me at: News and Letters, 59 E. Van Buren St., Room 707,
Chicago, IL 60605; TEL (312) 663 0839, FAX (312) 663 9069; Email

Yours faithfully,

Langton Machoko
President, Zimbabwe Labour Party

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