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Date sent:              Tue, 11 May 1999 12:00:25 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Daily Telegraph                                     May 11, 1999


        By Christopher Lockwood, Diplomatic Editor 

        The bombing of the Chinese Embassy has been seized upon by 
all those opposed to the NATO campaign - from die-hard anti-
Americans in Beijing to politicians and press within the alliance.
        Arriving in the Macedonian capital of Skopje yesterday, Oscar 
Scalfaro, the Italian president, said: "It is necessary for the bombing 
to stop because we are very worried to see that the raids are 
apparently moving away from military targets and are being 
directed towards civilian targets."
        The Italian press has been more scathing. La Repubblica asked: 
"To err is human, to persevere is diabolical - aren't we persevering 
beyond every limit?" Spain has been one of the most reliable NATO 
countries in the crisis but even the conservative El Mundo wrote: 
"The measures used by NATO to make Milosevic yield are absurd, 
bungling and irresponsible. The alliance's leaders are truly 
        In Greece, the Eleftherotypia, which usually backs the 
government, said: "The phrase 'war criminals' is the most lenient 
characterisation that one can attribute to NATO which is 
indiscriminately causing death in Serbia." With protests across Asia 
- in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Pakistan and Singapore - 
the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder took his forthcoming 
visit to China back to the drawing board and postponed a EU-Sino 
        More than 100 protesters in Taiwan threw paint and eggs at the 
US mission and burned US flags. In Hong Kong, Martin Lee, the 
pro-democracy leader, led a march to the US and British 
consulates. He said: "It would be very sad indeed if such good 
relations were to be ruined by a single act of atrocity. That's why 
we call upon the US government, the leader of the NATO forces, 
to apologise unreservedly and pay compensation."
        In Islamabad, Pakistani riot police blocked about 150 Chinese 
marching to the US Embassy. And in Thailand, a tape broadcast 
hourly on Business Radio said: "Keep watch on the dangerous and 
ugly American who is cited as our best friend."
        Demonstrators in Tokyo held up photos of the three victims and 
signs saying: "NATO is a killer."

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