U.S. State Department Spokesperson Nicholas Burns said October 7,
that the U.S. was "furious" with the Bosnian Serb member of the
newly-elected presidency, Momcilo Krajisnik, who ignored the
inauguration of the Bosnian assembly. The U.S. threatened renewed
sanctions. Krajisnik decided to skip the ceremony rather than take
the oath of office and loyalty pledge to Bosnia-Herzegovina.
     U.S. diplomats delivered a "very stiff" note to Krajisnik on
October 6. Burns said that unless Krajisnik demonstrates his
loyalty in "some way," the U.S. will bring the issue of sanctions
against the Serbs to the UN Security Council, which only last week
lifted sanctions against the Bosnian Serbs and the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia.
     The U.S. imperialists view the Balkan area as a protectorate
that must behave accordingly. The U.S. interferes in sovereign
nations at will, even on matters of a wholly internal nature.
     Capitulation to outside interference has led to the disasters
of recent years in the Balkans. Instead of uniting as Balkan
nations against the onslaught of the imperialists as wished by the
great Albanian leader Enver Hoxha, they have become subject to
intrigue and competition amongst the big powers, especially the
     This incident also clearly reveals that the U.S. views the UN
Security Council as an instrument to enforce its dictate in the
world. It does not treat the UN as a democratic international
institution to sort out problems on the basis of equality and
mutual benefit of all countries, large and small.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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