At 5:39 PM 10/16/96, Bill Moore wrote:

>>From another List, earlier today...related to Doug's posting.     BtC
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> There is talk all over the Internet today regarding a Clinton radio ad that
>> aired today which included touting Clinton's signing of DOMA as a positive
>> accomplishment (this ad was in response to a Dole radio ad attacking Clinton
>> for being liberal, against "family values," etc.).    I received a call this
>> afternoon from Paul Yandura, Director of Lesbian and Gay Outreach at the
>> Clinton campaign, saying that the ad was unauthorized and will be pulled from
>> air play immediately.  He said that he and Richard Socarides are
>> investigating this mixup with the company the Clinton campaign works with on
>> radio ads and had they known about it in advance it would never have gone
>> out.   They are doing their best to correct this mistake.

Nice to see they're repudiating it, but still one must be suspicious.
Bush's people always denied responsibility for the Willie Horton ads,
saying they were done and paid for by forces independent of the campaign.
If there's one thing Clinton's people know how to do, it's campaign. Are
their subcontractors *that* out of their control?

Another point: you may not like the phrasing of the ad, but he did do the
things (sign DOMA, support the ban on "partial birth" abortions, advocate
curfews & school uniforms, etc.) the copy brags about. Or was that done by
somebody unauthorized by the "real" Clinton, the inner liberal so painfully
constrained by the "Gingrich Republicans"?

Oh, and by the way, the last line of the transcript said "Paid for by
Clinton/Gore '96." Is that a rogue operation within the official campaign?



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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