Barkley wrote:
>      Well since I've promised to say nothing
>demonizing about that nice charmer in Belgrade
>who undoubtedly cries at the opera, allow me to
>annoy a bunch of people on this list on another front...

Look, I took off from work today to write what I wrote, most of it relying
on Miranda Vickers, a passionate defender of Kosovar self-determination. Go
ahead and write your own fucking version of what happened in Kosovo from
WWII to 1989. Be my guest. In the meantime, most of the crap you write
seems completely innocent of historical accounts, either pro or con Kosovar
nationalism. I am starting to get the picture that the Internet is not a
scholarly resource for you, but an escape from scholarship. Perhaps it is
amusing like talk radio. "Let's hear from our next caller. Barkley from
Virginia. What's on your mind, Barkley?" "I think Milosevic is rotten and
the Kosovars are decent." "Anything else". "Nope, that's about it." "Okay,
let's hear from our next caller, Benny from the Bronx..."

Louis Proyect

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