William S. Lear wrote:

>I think Doug makes a mistake of too easily letting the tobacco
>companies off the hook for helping to shape preferences for smoking.

I've never let them off the hook. I said that anyone who believes that
people smoke only because evil tobacco companies manipulate us into doing
so (and I smoke about a pack or two a year, in the interests of full
disclosure) has a pretty limited understanding of human desire. Ditto
Seagram's and drink. Sure they manipulate us into buying their brand, and
maximizing our purchases; sure they trick people into thinking there's
something sophisticated about smoking, etc. etc. But it's a fact that the
very danger of cigarettes can be part of their attraction; that's why
Richard Klein said they're sublime, right? And the more the impeccably
moral Bill Clinton makes teen smoking the centerpiece of his moral
renovation campaign, the more teens take up smoking.

As William Osler put it, "The desire to take medicine is perhaps the
greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals."


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