bloody hell, i have stirred up an opera fan......better stop this line of
analogy immediately.

paul concludes:
>So what has all this to do with pomo.  Well, surely they (or someone)
>has to translate their foreign tongue into one the majority of us
>can understand.  Unless they do, they will be like the conservative
>opera companies, catering only to those who know the language, or who
>care only for the sound and not for the content.

that is what i was saying.

kind regards
ps. looking for an opera CD to smash. hmmm, don't own any. better turn the
radio over to classical fm and then i can smash the receiver! 

         ####    ##       William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####     Head of Economics Department
     #################    University of Newcastle
   ####################   New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################    Phone: +61 49 215065
    #####      ## ###            +61 49 215027
                          Fax:   +61 49 216919  

"only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."
(Cree Indian saying...circa 1909)

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