hackers of the world, unite! [K.] ------------------------------- NATO MEMBER NATIONS' HEADS OF STATE ADDRESSES / E-MAIL ADDRESSES / WEB PAGES M. Jean-Luc Dehaene Premier Ministre rue de la Loi 16 B-1000 Brussels Belgium phone 02-501-02-11 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://belgium.fgov.be/ Jean Chretien, M.P. Prime Minister House of Commons, PO Box 1103 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Canada phone 1-613-992-4211, fax 1-613-941-6900 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://pm.gc.ca/english.html-ssi Vaclav Havel President Office of the President of the C.R. Hrad (Castle) 119 08 Praha 1 Czech Republic phone 420-2-3337-1111, fax 420-2-2437-3300 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.hrad.cz/ Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Prime Minister Prime Minister`s Office Christiansborg, Prins Jorgens Gaard 11 DK-1218 Copenhagen Denmark phone 45-33-92-3300, fax 45-33-11-1665 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.stm.dk/ M. Jacques Chirac President de la Republique Palais de l`Elysee 55 et 57, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore 75008 Paris France phone 331-42-92-81-00, fax 331-47-42-24-65 e-mail page http://www.elysee.fr/mel/mel_.htm webpage http://www.elysee.fr/ Gerhard Schoeder Chancellor Adenauerallee 141 PA: Briefpost, PLZ 53106 53113 Bonn Germany phone 49-228-56-0, fax 49-228-56-2357 e-mail page http://www.bundesregierung.de/inland/.bin/pbamaild?10 webpage http://www.bundesregierung.de/ Kostas Simitis Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Greek Parliament Bldg., Constitution Square Athens Greece fax 301-671-6183 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.primeminister.gr Viktor Orban Prime Minister Kossuth Lajos ter 1-3 1055 Budapest, Budapest fovaros Hungary phone 36-1-268-3000, fax 36-1-268-4702 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.meh.hu David Oddsson Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Stjornarradshusinu 150 Reykjavik Iceland phone 354-609400, fax 354-622373 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.althingi.is/~wwwadm/upplens.shtml Massimo D'Alema Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Prime Minister) Piazza Colonna, 370 00187 Rome Italy phone 39-6-67791, fax 39-6-678-3998 e-mail page http://www.palazzochigi.it/contattaci.htm webpage http://www.palazzochigi.it/index.htm Jean-Claude Juncker Prime Minister Ministere d`Etat 4, rue de la Congregation L-2910 Luxembourg Luxembourg phone 352-47-81 e-mail page http://www.restena.lu:80/gover/mailbox.html webpage http://www.restena.lu/gover/index_french.html Willem Kok Prime Minister Binnenhof 20, 2513 AA Postbus 20001, 2500 EA The Hague Netherlands phone 31-70-356-4100, fax 31-70-356-4683 webpage http://www.postbus51.nl/ Kjell Magne Bondevik Prime Minister Akersgt. 42, blokk H P.O. Box 8001 Dep N-0030 Oslo Norway phone 47-2224-9832, fax 47-2224-2796 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://odin.dep.no/ Jerzy Buzek Prime Minister Prime Minister's Office al. Ujazdowskie 1/3 00-583 Warsaw Poland e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.kprm.gov.pl Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres Prime Minister Gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro Lisboa Portugal e-mail page http://www.primeiro-ministro.gov.pt/correio.html webpage http://www.primeiro-ministro.gov.pt/ Excmo. Sr. Jose Maria Aznar Presidente del Gobierno Complejo de la Moncloa Edf. Semillas 28071 Madrid Spain phone 34-1-335-3535, fax 34-1-390-0329 webpage http://www.la-moncloa.es Bulent Ecevit Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Basbakanlik 06573 Ankara Turkey fax 90-312-417-0476 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rt. Hon. Tony Blair Prime Minister 10 Downing St. SW1A 2AA London United Kingdom fax 44-171-925-0918 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.number-10.gov.uk/ William Clinton President The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, District of Columbia 20500 United States of America phone 1-202-456-1414 fax 1-202-456-6218 or 1-202-456-2461 e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage http://www.whitehouse.gov/