Just about everyone I know has horror stories from graduate school 
about perceived scholar despots, inner cliques, "old boy networks 
etc". But that level gets us no where beyond anecdotes.

A few years ago Dave Colander and Bob Coats edited a book "The 
Dissemination of Economic Ideas" based on a conference on the same 
subject. Dave's idea was to move toward the development of a separate 
specialized area within The History of Economic Thought dealing with 
specialized study of the institutions, constraints, processes, 
mechanisms, interests etc through which economic ideas and theories 
are introduced, chocked off, modified, replaced, superceded and 
spread within the profession. It involves sort of the economics 
profession looking at itself and applying some of its own "axioms", 
theories, constructs (e.g. homo economicus) to itself.

What comes through loud and clear is that institutions and 
institutionalized paradigms whether left, middle or right do what 
they do. In other words institutions, or dynamic complexes of 
interrelated values, power structures, codes, constraints, 
traditions, myths, symbols, rights, privileges, regulations etc serve 
to structure human interactions, reduce risk and uncertainty, define 
and reinforce the "sacred" paradigms and ideas while deterring and 
sanctioning perceived subversive paradigms and ideas, legitmate and 
reinforce dominant power structures and relations while neutralizing 
threats to those structures and relations, propagandize, create 
clones of those in power etc. That is what institutions do--among 
other things--whether on the right or left.

There are "left radicals" and then there are left radicals. In other 
words there are those for whom being a "left radical" is a total way 
of life and way of seeing the world and there are "left radicals" for 
whom being a "left radical" is a kind of specialized market niche 
allowing CV building through "alternative journals" (and making those 
alternative journals more and more like the "mainstream" journals in 
which these folks cannot get published for various reasons), careers 
with caricatures of the left (e.g. well paid bureaucrats in private 
and governmental agencies "serving" the poor), comfortable tenured 
positions that allow course developments based on the narrow and 
often narcissistic research interests of the course developers (as  
opposed to on the basis of mass interests or strategic issues in need 
of detailed examination) and various forms of scholar despotism  
and insider clique building much like those forms for which the right-
wingers in academia are famous--e.g. The Chicago School as a clone 

What can we say. Ultimately it is not so much what one says what one 
is as what one does and what one is prepared to risk when the chips 
are really down. On the right or the left, that tells who is who and 
what is what.

                              Jim Craven

*  James Craven             * "The envelope is only defined--and   * 
*  Dept of Economics        * expanded--by the test pilot who dares* 
*  Clark College            * to push it."                         *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. * (H.H. Craven Jr.(a gifted pilot)     *  
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     *                                      *  
*  (360) 992-2283           * "For those who have fought for it,   *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * freedom has a taste the protected    *
*                           * will never know." (Otto Von Bismark) *   
*                           *                                      *

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