November 7, (October 25, by the old Russian calender) marks the
seventy-ninth anniversary of the Great October Revolution led by
V.I. Lenin. Even though the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
created by this revolution and others which followed in its
footsteps are no more, still the path of this revolution is valid.
This has been proven by contemporary developments. All over the world
the capitalist crisis deepens and broadens and the bourgeoisie is 
pursuing the anti-social offensive in order to block the path for the 
progress of the society. Seventy-nine years of the October Revolution 
have proven that the working class cannot seize hold of the ready-made 
apparatus of the bourgeois state and use it for its own purposes. These 
archaic state machines are an obstruction to the progress of the society; 
they have to be smashed and replaced by the New. They have to be replaced 
with apparatus that are consistent with the needs of the working class to
establish a socialist society.
     There are not a few individuals in the world who now declare
that the Great October Revolution has come to an end. It is true
that this revolution is no more, but the character of our era has
not changed. It remains the era of imperialism and proletarian
revolution. Revolution is the main content of this era. It is in
ebb at this time but it is bound to turn into flow in the near
future. Such a revolution will succeed only by travelling along the
path opened up by the Great October Revolution.
     Communists hail the seventy-ninth anniversary of the Great
October Revolution. We express the resolute conviction that the
proletarian revolution will triumph just as the Great October
Revolution succeeded. It will triumph using the theory of
Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought. The revolution will be far
more profound and broad than any previous revolution that has moved
the world forward. Such a revolution could break out in any place
on the globe, in an advanced capitalist country or in one not so
advanced. Such a country may be in the north, south, east or west.
The predictions of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels that the
overthrow of the bourgeoisie is inevitable will come true. All the
recent developments are pointing to this historic conclusion based
in science. The present era will usher in a new period, when human
history is created by human beings themselves. This revolution will
overpower and overthrow all that enslaves humanity. The final
victory of socialism and revolution is inevitable.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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