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Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:01:13 -0500
From: Erwin Marquit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Extremely important article in China's Peoples's Daily

Erwin Marquit
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota
116 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0112
phone (home) (612) 922-7993   E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Below is an extremely important article by "Observer" published on the
front page of today's (May 27) People's Daily (China). It seems to be a
recognition of what we might call Cold War III directed again against
socialism and might signal that China will begin playing a more
important role in the worldwide struggle against imperialism.


This Observer commentary frontpaged today's People's Daily runs in part
as follows:

The US-led NATO's wanton bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and its outrageous missile attack on the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia
have aroused the great indignation of the Chinese government and people
and been severely condemned by the world's peace-loving countries and
people. These barbaric atrocities committed by the United States have
fully laid bare the hegemonist ferocious features and the imperialist
nature of aggression.

A worldwide observation clearly shows the armed intervention conducted
by the United States against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is by no
means an isolated and accidental phenomenon. It is an important measure
taken by the United States to step up implementation of its global
strategy of seeking hegemony at the turn of the century, and a major
indication of the new development of US hegemonism. This represents a
new trend in the current international situation that merits serious

(1) After the break-up of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War,
the United States, being the only superpower in the world and relying on
its mighty economic, technological and military strength, has been
putting on airs and swaggering about and considering itself unexcelled
in the world. Its ambition of seeking domination of the world has
rapidly swelled.

In order to achieve its strategic goal of world domination, the United
States has poked its nose everywhere into the affairs of other
countries, for instance in the Balkans, the Near and Middle East and
other parts of the world, in disregard of the United Nations Charter as
well as related international laws and international conventions

(2) The United States has established, in two lines of the East and the
West, military group or military alliance in the service of US
hegemonism, and built up a US-led global security system. In Europe, the
United States uses NATO as an important tool for it to push its global
strategy of seeking hegemony. The current war of aggression launched by
US-led NATO against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia represents the
beginning of implementation of its new strategy. It is the first time
that NATO uses armed force to interfere in the internal affairs of
another country outside its traditional defense area, thus setting a
dangerous precedent of NATO's armed intervention in the affairs of a
sovereign state.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has continued to keep its
100,000 stationed troops, intensified the US-Japan military alliance,
and signed with Japan new defense cooperation guidelines. Japan's House
of Representatives and Senate have passed the bills related to the new
Japan-US defense cooperation guidelines, which expand the scope of
US-Japan military cooperation to the entire Asia-Pacific region
including China's Taiwan, posing serious threat to the peace and
security in the Asian region. At the same time, the United States and
Japan have decided to engage in cooperative research and development of
the "war zone missile defense system (TMD), building up a missile
defense system aimed at gaining military advantage. These activities
indicate a major development in the US implementation of the strategy of
global military alliance.

(3) Increasing military investment and vigorously developing high-tech
weaponry. In 1999, US defense budgeted spending is set to reach US$276.2
billion, euivalent to 1.67 times the total of the military expenses of
the six countries of Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China.
The United States has also decided to increase its defense budget by
US$112 billion in the coming six years. To guarantee its absolute
superiority in the military area, the United States has published its
national missile defense system (NMD) plan.

(4) The United States attempts to guide the international economic new
order, and establish its status as global overlord in the economic,
trade, science, technology and finance fields.

(5) Launching a new cold war against the socialist countries and the
third world. The United States dislikes China's adherence to the
socialist road and is unwilling to see China developing into a powerful
country. It applies pressure to bear on China in political and economic
fields in an attempt to overwhelm China with one action. However,
instead of collapse under pressure, China has developed and grown
steadily and, in a brand-new posture as a large developing socialist
country, stands in the galaxy of the world's nations. The United States
also applies pressure on and conducts so-called containment of some
other socialist countries. However, socialist countries have not
vanished from the earth in compliance with the will and wishes of the
West headed by the United States. Through summing up experiences and
lessons and making self-improvement and self-development, socialist
countries are demonstrating fresh vitality and vigor, a bright future
lies before them.

Flaunting the banners of "freedom", "democracy" and "human rights", the
United States wantonly interferes in the internal affairs of the
developing countries. The United States has tabled, year after year,
motions concerning other nations' human rights at the UN human rights
meetings, attempting to act as the "human right judge" and conduct
"trials" of developing countries.

(6) The United States and other Western countries pose challenges to the
widely recognized norms of the international law, and dished out various
absurd arguments, creating new "theories" for pushing through their
hegemonism and power politics. They have tried hard to legalize their
hegemonist acts. The essence of these arguments is, under the signboard
of "human rights" and "humanitarianism", to wantonly expand their
political and economic spheres of influence and push through their

On the strength of its absolute superiority in the fields of information
and media, the United States tries to mislead the world public opinion
and deceive the people of various countries, thus boosting hegemonists'

The new development of US hegemonism is determined by its imperialist
nature and deeply rooted with domestic and international as well as
political and economic factors.

It is the view of the US ruling clique that how to maintain its unique
overlord status is the most important goal of its global strategy in the
21st century.

However, it is impossible for the wishful thinking of US hegemonism to
succeed. Safeguarding world peace and promoting common development is
the general demand and strong desire of the world's people. That the
world moving toward to multi-polarization is the inevitable trend of
historical development. The essence and key point of US practice of new
hegemonism attempt to establish an international order under its
guidance. Regarding this, the developing countries in general will not
agree, nor will even US allies.

Imperialists and hegemonists invariably overestimate their own strength
and underestimate the strength of the world's people. This determines
that the development of things inevitably turns out to be contrary to
their wishes, and that the rock they lift only drops on their own toes.
A striking example is their aggression against the Federal Republic of

US implementation of hegemonism and power politics is the main root
cause of threat to world peace and stability, it is an unjust move that
goes against the historical tide and so is utterly unpopular in the

It is certain that as hegemonism could not achieve its aim of dominating
the world during the Cold War period, so it will fail to attain its aim
under the post-Cold War new situation.

The world belongs to the people of various countries around the world.
In the new century, all peace-loving countries and people will never
allow neo-colonialists and new hegemonists to renew their domination of
the world.

Andrew Austin

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