What do you think of the following article--both its content and the very
fact that the New York Times printed it? Doesn't it say something about
both the nature of Albanian 'nationalism' a la KLA _and_ how NATO is
planning to treat Albanians (that is, not as "innocent victims" of the
media coverage so far but as pesky and uncivilized natives who are the
white man's burden)? Yoshie

*****   Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company
The New York Times
June 7, 1999, Monday, Late Edition - Final
SECTION: Section A; Page 12; Column 5; Foreign Desk
LENGTH: 1455 words
Kosovar Attack on Gypsies Reveals Desire for Revenge

For a moment, it seemed as if the mob of Albanian refugees would literally
tear the 7-year-old Gypsy boy apart, limb from limb, said three aid workers
who saw the attack on Saturday night. Minutes earlier, 15 to 20 enraged
Kosovo Albanian refugees had beaten the boy's older brother and father,
whom they accused of collaborating with the Serbs and killing Albanians
inside Kosovo last month.

"The look in their eyes when they tried to tear this boy's arms out --
there was just fire in their eyes," said Ed Joseph, of the Catholic Relief
Service, one of the aid workers who pulled the boy from the mob. "I was
just grabbing them and shouting: 'No! No! You won't!' "

The attack was part of a chaotic and terrifying four-hour siege here as a
mob of several thousand Kosovo Albanian refugees tried to seize and beat
the Gypsy family.

The attack illustrated the chaos NATO forces could face in Kosovo when
hundreds of thousands of Albanian refugees return home to the shattered
province -- and NATO's reluctance to get involved in such conflicts. Many
of the Albanians could arrive home intent on exacting revenge on former
Serbian and Gypsy neighbors who attacked Kosovo Albanians or destroyed
their homes.

While most Serbs, and Gypsies have who allied themselves with the Serbs,
are expected to flee the province before any Kosovo Albanians return, some
elderly people could remain. Before the NATO bombing campaign, Serbs made
up about 10 percent of Kosovo's population and Gypsies about 2 percent.

The Gypsies attacked on Saturday had been in the camp for weeks after
crossing the border from Kosovo. While refugees have reported that Gypsies
in some Kosovo cities have allied themselves with the Serbs, it was unclear
whether this family was among them.

In the attack, the refugees, chanting and screaming for blood, tore down
the fence surrounding the Catholic Relief Service's main office here,
kicked in the front door, tore bars from its windows and used a metal
gutter as a battering ram.

The violence was only defused after hundreds of Macedonian riot police
officers arrived, and Christopher R. Hill, the United States Ambassador to
Macedonia, addressed the mob at midnight and promised that justice would be
done in the case. Relief workers spirited the Gypsy family and other
Gypsies out of the camp and took the men who were beaten to a Skopje
hospital, where they remained hospitalized today.

"One man's face was the color of an eggplant and his eyes were swollen
shut," said Paula Ghedini, a spokeswoman for the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees. "The other had been beaten with a stick and had
a very large wound on his head. It was very clear that if they had been
caught they would have been killed."

Macedonia has been tense since refugees started pouring in from neighboring
Kosovo after NATO began its bombing in late March.

The extraordinary authority NATO carries with the refugees and the
political sensitivity of its mission was shown during the siege. The mob
repeatedly demanded that NATO troops come to take the Gypsies away to be
held as war criminals. But officials of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees, in consultation with NATO officials, decided it
was not part of NATO's mission in Macedonia to carry out such an operation.

Exactly how NATO troops respond to similar situations inside Kosovo could
be crucial to their success. NATO officials are already emphasizing that
they will enforce any peace accord "evenhandedly."

Maj. Trey Cate, a NATO spokesman, said that if, for instance, Serbian
soldiers, or members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the separatist Kosovo
Albanian rebel group, fire their weapons, they could potentially be fired
on by NATO soldiers.

In Bosnia, NATO's only other peacekeeping mission, whether or how NATO
troops would intervene in such situations was the focus of fierce debate.
At the outset of that mission in 1996, NATO commanders insisted that they
would not be involved in carrying out what they saw as "local police
actions" and instead delegated much responsibility to local police forces
controlled by Bosnia's three ethnic factions. NATO officers feared being
progressively drawn into a larger and larger role in the country.

Critics assailed the approach, saying it undermined NATO's authority and
allowed local Muslim, Serb and Croat authorities to act in the sectors they
controlled to thwart efforts by refugees from other ethnic groups to return
to the homes from which they were expelled during the war. Most refugees in
Bosnia have not returned to their homes more than two years after the
Dayton Peace Accord guaranteed that they could.

Kosovo represents a vastly different mission, but NATO is also likely to
face difficult decisions over the scope of its mission. After NATO forces
enter Kosovo, refugees now in the sweltering camps here may grow tired of
waiting for an organized return to their homes and simply decide to head
into Kosovo on their own.

A chaotic chain of events could develop in which NATO forces would be in
the awkward position of potentially blocking refugees from returning to
their country, a right they are guaranteed under international law.

A far larger problem could be revenge attacks. The Saturday night attack
here illustrates how intense the desire for vengeance may prove.

In one sense, the refugee camps here are sweltering caldrons of hate, where
increasingly frustrated Kosovo Albanians can commiserate about their mutual
victimization at the hands of the Serbs. As might be expected, peer
pressure is exerted in the camps to hate Serbs.

In the Cegrane camp here, which holds 40,000 refugees. children recited
poems to a crowd of refugees last Thursday that glorified the Kosovo
Albanian rebel soldiers and listed massacre after massacre believed to have
been committed by Serbs as their Albanian teachers looked on approvingly.
And most refugees interviewed here today said they believed that the
Gypsies who were attacked did commit war crimes and applauded the mob's

"We are The Hague for them," said Afrim Ademi, an Albanian refugee,
referring to the international war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands.

Rumors of what set off the attack on the Gypsies were already rampant
today. Nancy M. Shalala, a spokeswoman for the Catholic Relief Service who
was trying to piece together what occurred last night, said that she
repeatedly heard that a newly arrived ethnic Albanian refugee said he
recognized the Gypsy teen-ager because he was wearing a piece of jewelry
stolen from the refugee's mother. The refugee reportedly said the Gypsy had
killed his father and then robbed his mother.

The Gypsy teen-ager and his father were then beaten in separate attacks and
brought about 7:30 P.M. to the Catholic Relief building by Kosovo Albanians
who work for the aid agency. A group of 15 to 20 Albanian refugees stormed
the building an hour later and beat the two men even more fiercely. The aid
agency's staff members finally pushed the group out of the building.

A large crowd then began forming around the building, led by a group of 150
to 200 men, Ms. Shalala said. The badly beaten father and son were moved to
the building's bathroom to prevent them from being seen by the crowd.

Aid agency workers also went to the family's tent to try to retrieve the
mother and three younger children before they too were set upon by the
Albanian refugees. When they arrived at the relief agency's building, the
7-year-old boy was grabbed by the mob, but then wrestled free by aid
workers. With other Gypsies in the camp being "hunted like dogs," aid
workers said, the aid workers tried to hide them to protect them.

The mob, meanwhile, continued to grow. Efforts by Mr. Joseph and other aid
workers to use megaphones to get them to disperse failed. The crowd
repeatedly rushed the building, ripping bars from the windows. At one
point, Mr. Joseph said, he stood on a window ledge, imploring the crowd to
stop. At other times panicked aid workers stacked cots against the
chain-link fence surrounding the building to prevent it from giving way.
They failed.

Ms. Ghedini, the refugee agency spokeswoman, said that at one point her
agency considered evacuating all foreigners from the area. But when it
became clear that the refugees' real hostility was toward the Gypsies, she
said, 15 to 20 Gypsies were evacuated from the camp.

Mr. Joseph, who was still shaken by the attack today, said the attack
seemed to him to be a grim omen for what could happen in Kosovo when the
refugees return.

"I think it's a very bad harbinger for any kind of reconciliation or easy
peace," he said. "Any Serb still there has to be packing his bags."   *****

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