Summers, then chief economist at the World Bank, laid out this argument in
a memo he sent to some colleagues in December 1991. It was then "exposed"
in _The Economist_ of 8 February 1992. How serious he was is arguable. A
useful treatment of it all is in Chapter 2 of Hausman and McPherson's
_Economic Analysis and Moral Philosophy_ (Cambridge U. P., 1996).

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Robert Cherry wrote:

>   I recall that Summers argued that it would be efficient if we exported 
> pollution-producing production overseas.  Does anyone have a reference and 
> the specifics of his argument.  It came up at Brooklyn College and a 
> colleague told people that he said it in jest which I am sure is not true.
> Robert Cherry
> Brooklyn College

Frank Thompson
Department of Economics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

(313) 835-0156, 763-2392, (FAX) 764-2769

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