>                                       October 11, 1995
> Dear Friends,
> We have received news from the Committee in Solidarity with the People
> of El Salvador who were informed by the Central de Trabajadores
> Democraticos (CTD) in El Salvador that on October 5th,  Maria Paula
> Rodriguez Abarca, 23 years old, died of cardiac arrest while working in
> the HAN CHANG TEXTILES S.A. de C.V. factory located in the free trade
> zone of San Marcos, owned by Mr. Sung H. Kim. Ms. Rodriguez had asked
> for permission to leave the maquila to go to the hospital. Instead of
> being given permission, she was given medicine that caused her
> immediate death. Ms. Rodriguez leaves behind a 3-year-old daughter, now
> an orphan.
> Also on October 5th, in the maquila factory, "Encasa y Esmodica", in
> Santa Ana, owned by Legislative Deputy Milena De Escalon, sister of
> President Calderon Sol, 90 women workers were fired.  The reason given
> for the firing was lack of supplies but when two experienced maquila
> workers went to apply for a job at the same maquila the following day,
> they were immediately offered work.
> The fired workers all had worked at the maquila for a year or more and
> are due benefits according to the Salvadoran labour code. They were
> offered only two weeks' salary of 500 colones ($60 U.S.) indemnization,
> which they are not accepting.  This is only half of the mandatory
> severance pay.  When the workers did not accept the cheques and asked
> for full severance pay, they were accused of being communists,
> guerrillas, union members, and terrorists.  A North American
> representative of the maquila, Lauren Garfield, threatened the workers,
> saying she was noting their names as communists in the event of a
> workers' "uprising".
> The practice of firing maquila workers in the fall is common to avoid
> paying workers benefits that come due.  It is also common practice for
> maquila owners to avoid paying vacation time which is due after a year
> of employment and a Christmas bonus, due for those who have worked a
> minumum of six.months.By hiring and firing people in the fall, owners
> can avoid paying both benefits due under the Salvadoran labour code.
> The two cases above represent thousands of other cases of injustices
> against the workers in the maquilas. Strong reforms to the free trade
> zone laws have been proposed by a coalition of women's organizations
> and the Ministry of Economy.
> The next step is for President Calderon Sol to send the reforms to the
> legislative assembly. Gloria Salgero Gross, the President of the
> Legislative Assembly will facilitate the discussion and vote on the
> reforms.
> Please send messages to the Government of El Salvador, condemning the
> death of Paula Rodriguez and the firing of the 90 women, urging that an
> immediate investigation take place and that President Calderon Sol send
> the Legislative Assembly reforms to the Law of the Free Trade Zones
> (Ley del Regimen de Zonas Francas y Recintos Fiscales), so that they
> can be implemented immediately.
> If unable to get a FAX to San Salvador, you can try the Salvadoran
> embassy.
> Please also send messages to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
> urging the Canadian government to give the Salvadoran government the
> same message.
> Please send copies of this message to the Foreign Affairs critics for
> the NDP and the Reform Party.  (Eastern Canada covers the Bloc
> Qubecois.)
> Lic. Armando Caldern Sol
> FAX:011-503-2-214 532
> Presidente de la Republica,
> 011-503-2-710 950
> Casa Presidencial,
> San Salvador, EL SALVADOR
> His Excellency Alfredo Francisco Ungo,          FAX: 1-613-238-6940
> Ambassador of El Salvador,                              Telephone:
> 1-613-238-2939
> Hon. Andr Ouellet,                              FAX: (613) 996-3443
> Minister of Foreign Affairs,                    Phone: (613) 995-8872
> House of Commons,
> Ottawa, Ont.  K1A 0A6
> Svend Robinson, M.P. (NDP)                      FAX: (613) 992-5501
> Bob Mills, M.P. (Reform Party)          FAX: (613) 995-6831

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